"How beautiful Macarena! What does it mean? I want to learn how to speak Spanish"

"It wasn't Spanish, it was Portuguese"

Macarena looked down flushing.

"You speak more than two languages????

Eddie asked a little alarmed.

"I only speak Spanish, Portuguese and English"

"Only?? We can only speak English and some words in Irish but that's it"

Liesa asks impressed making Macarena blush another shade of red.



Maca stops looking at her feet and meets my eyes.

"That was beautiful. what does it mean?"

"It says something like how I can talk about many different things, the flowers, the city, my fears, my wishes, my love, the afternoon that goes and lets shine the moon that once I gave you. I could close my eyes and loose myself in time but when the clock strikes 6 I know that there's no one in the world that can claim that it's not yours the moon I gave you, to shine the way you might take, love me well, sleep well, my love"

We have reached the house, I couldn't take my eyes off her, her eyes were flooded with tears, the girls saw it was time to give us privacy and went inside the house taking Eddie with them. Once I heard the door closed I wiped a tear escaping her beautiful blue eyes.

"Do you have any idea of how much I love you?"

She was going to say something but I kissed her lips to stop her from talking.

"You know Maca, I love you so much that I wouldn't be able to breathe without you. I can't picture myself without you. I don't know what's going on but whatever it is I hope you can trust me and tell me because whatever it is, I can handle it, I'm a big boy. Besides, whatever it is, can't keep me away from you"

She exhaled , she was deliberating if she should tell me or not, she passed a hand through her hair and let our yet another shaky sigh.

"Before I tell you, I want you to know that this happened before I met you, before I even dreamed that I was going to be with you. You're perfect, all I've ever wanted, my love, my prince, my life"

Shit! This is bad!! I don't want to know. This will hurt me. Shit!! Before I stopped her, she spoke.

"A year ago I met Eddie at a party back in New York and we hooked up"


"Jamie I....."


The door of the house opened and there it was the bastard.


I ran to him and Macarena tried to stopped me but I let go of her grip and sucker punched the mother fucker right on the nose. Next thing I knew my dad was pulling me off of him and my sisters got in the middle. My dad sat me on the doorsteps and Eddie went inside the house so Jessica could clean the blood from his nose. Liesa went after Macarena who had disappeared when my dad was trying to hold me. I put my head between my legs and was trying to absorb what just happened while images of my beautiful girlfriend having wild sex with my best mate ran through my mind.

I couldn't stay there, I let go of my dad's touch and started walking my way back to the pub. I needed to drink away this pain I was feeling.

*** So yeah, that happened, don't hate me! Please!!! It will be fixed soon. Here's another link of the video.

And below this message the full lyrics with the translation. Enjoy!!! The singer is my favorite Brazilian singer Ivete Sangalo so check her out.
Don't forget to comment, vote and please recommend my story among you friends, thank you tons!!! Xoxo-Z ***

A Lua Que Eu Te Dei

Posso te falar dos sonhos, das flores...
de como a cidade mudou...
Posso te falar do medo, do meu desejo...
do meu amor...
Posso falar da tarde que cai
E aos poucos deixa ver no céu a Lua
Que um dia eu te dei

Gosto de fechar os olhos
Fugir do tempo, de me perder
Posso até perder a hora
Mas sei que já passou das 6
Sei que não há no mundo
Quem possa te dizer
Que não é tua a Lua que eu te dei
Pra brilhar por onde você for
Me queira bem
Durma bem
Meu Amor


Posso falar da tarde que cai
E aos poucos deixa ver no céu a Lua
Que um dia eu te dei
Pra brilhar
Por onde você for
Me queira bem
Durma bem
Durma bem
Me queira bem
Meu Amor

A lua que eu te dei...
A lua que eu te dei...


I can tell you about my dreams, the flowers ...
or how the city has changed ...
I can tell you about my fears, my wishes ...
of my love ...
I can speak into the afternoon falling
And slowly lets you see in the sky the moon
That one day I gave you

I like to close my eyes
Escape from time, to lose myself
I can even lose time
But I know it's way past 6
I know that there is in the world no one
Who can tell you
That's not yours the moon I once gave you
To shine the way you are taking
Love me well
Sleep well
My Love

(Lalaralarara .... Ohhhhhhh)

I can speak into the afternoon falling
And slowly lets you see in the sky the moon
That one day I gave you
To shine
Where you are
Love me well
Sleep well
My Looooooovvveeeee
Sleep well
Love me well
My Love

The moon I gave you ...
The moon I gave you ...

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