Christmas Visitor

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*** Picture above of the lovely Amelia Warner ***

"And cut!"

Sam yelled with a very satisfied smile on her face. We've been shooting this scene all afternoon long, shooting all different angles of the Interview. Jamie was quiet, kind of concentrated, into the character, just speaking with me the necessary. I know he's still hurt.

"Great job you guys!! The studio will love this! It was worth the little delay we had. Maca I am very proud of you!"

"I am happy to see you both got what you wanted out of my expense"

A bitter Jamie cut in, turned around and left.

"I am sorry for this Maca, but it worked out! You guys did great. After showing this to Universal they'll relax and let us shoot normally."

"I know, I am just sorry I hurt him"

"He'll get over it. He will be a father after all. It was all for the best"

This hurt me. I didn't want Jamie to be over me. I went to my trailer and change out of Ana's clothes. I needed to get home and concentrate in my lines so I wouldn't think of Jamie.

The last weeks have been hell. Jamie walks away every time I try to approach him in between takes. Work wise it's been great. We are performing with excellence and Sam is over excited for our job. Even Erika has been around and happy with the outcome of her book.

I've just felt miserable. My love for Jamie hasn't fade. Eloise has been a great companion. We would run our lines together, watch movies, eat take out, hang out with the boys, of course when Luke and Victor weren't hanging with Jamie. He avoids coming with when he knows I'll be in the group. So my life summed up to wake up, go to work, think about Jamie, cry because of Jamie, sleep, dream about Jamie and eat only when Eloise reminds me to.


On our last week before Christmas I got to the studio and was sitting outside of my trailer when a someone called after me,

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

On our last week before Christmas I got to the studio and was sitting outside of my trailer when a someone called after me,

"Excuse me, miss?"

The voice belonged to a female with an English accent. I turned to find a beautiful brunette looking at me big eyed and kind of lost.

"May I help you?"

"Yeah, I am lost. I was told I could find Jamie Dornan's trailer here but I can't see his name, I'm his girlfriend, Amelia, I came to surprise him"

And she gave me an excited smile. I can't believe it!!!! this asshole told me they broke up!!!

"I'll take you to his trailer"

"Thank you! You are too kind!"

We walked together. I was boiling in anger. I could kill this idiot! Acting like he was hurt when all this time he was playing me! Playing with both of us!!

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