"Brother?? Hey mate!!! Very nice to meet you!!!!"

"The Irish guy!!! Finally we meet!!"

And they hugged each other, this scene made me emotional, out of all the people in the world Santiago is the one that I really wanted Jamie to meet. I knew they were going to hit it off since the beginning.

My brother smiled at him.

"So you're the one who bewitched my entire family?"

Jamie answered proudly

"You have a wonderful family, I love every each of them"

"Well, you can take this one but you can't take my boys"

My brother stated pointing at me.

"The boys only talk about Tio Jamie, just for the record, I thought of the exact same presents and you just won because your presents arrived a day earlier"

Jamie smiled proudly and got a hold of my waist.

"I love the kids but I'd rather keep this one to myself"

My brother smiled and nodded in approval, I felt so much love that I couldn't help myself and caressed Jamie's cheek, he looked down at me and gave me a peck on the lips. Santi cleared his throat and asked

"So, where are you guys taking me for fun"

"Wait, where is your luggage?"

I just realized that he wasn't carrying anything.

"I left them in my hotel"

"What?? Nooo! You're staying with us!!"

"No, it's ok Maqui, I'm sure you guys don't need a third wheel"

"That's nonsense, of course you're staying with us"

Jamie said giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"Let's go to your hotel, pick them up, then I just need to check on a friend very quick and then we're off for a beer"

I knew he wanted to check on Amelia so we could relax for the rest of the night.

"Alright then, Eloise you're coming with, aren't you?"

Eloise straighten her hair and said that she'll meet us later so we said our goodbyes and we were off to the car. I was so happy holding both men of my life.

On our way to the hospital we explained Santiago Amelia's situation, he was riding in the front of the car with Jamie which gave me a chance to look at his reaction, at first he was trying to absorb the news but then he sighed and looked back to check if I was ok with the arrangement which I answered with a smile.

"That's gonna be a little harsh on my mom, you know that, don't you Maca?"

"I do, but she loves Jamie and once you meet Amelia, you'll see that we'll be fine"

Jamie looked at me through the rear mirror to see if my answer was truthful and smiled at me when he realized that I was being sincere.

We got to the hospital and Santi asked if it was ok him coming with, we said that Amelia would love to meet him and he was a big sport, he gave Jamie yet another pat on the shoulder like saying 'I have your back mate'
Amelia was watching some TV and she smiled when she saw us, Santi was behind me and I heard his breath intake, that was awkward!

"Hey Mills! How are you feeling?"

Jamie kissed her on the cheek.

"Fine, I guess! Hello Maca!"

She smiled at me and looked at my brother who was standing with his hands in his pockets staring at her.

"Hi Millie!!! This is my brother Santiago, he's visiting from Australia"

She swallowed hard and offered him her hand. Santi walked to her and greeted her.

"How do you do Amelia?"

"Nice to meet you Santiago"

And they held hands for a longer time that is in the protocol of greetings. I've never been the jealous sister but Santi looks so different around Millie that is bothering me a little. Jamie came to me and kissed my hand.

"Santiago surprised us in set. Maca is thrilled. Has the doctor come to see you?"

Amelia brought back her attention to Jamie.

"Yeah, he came at lunch time, he says that the baby is fine and I need to stay two more days and I might be able to leave knowing if we are having a Lad or a Lassie"

She smiled in an exciting way, we could feel her happiness.

Jamie told her about the nurse that will be taking care of them and she agreed.

I approached Santi, he was awfully quiet.

"Are you ok? Estas bien?"

"Si, it's just jet lag"

"We're taking Santiago out for a drink"

Jamie was the only person in the room who didn't notice what was going on between them. What does this mean? Is it possible that Santi has fallen for Millie????? I don't know how to feel about that.

*** Hello my dears, as I promised a new chapter tonight, what do you think of Santiago's arrival??? Thank you so much for all the votes, comments, followings, etc!!! I appreciate every each of you. Xoxo-Z ***

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