The Secret Admirer

Start from the beginning

Outside of the trailer I let go of his hand and we walked fast to his car. Once in his car, I connected my ipod and the guitar strings of "fairytale" filled the car. He smiled shyly.

"That song sounds very familiar"

"My new favorite band. I have a huge crush on the singer"

He crooked an eyebrow and a satisfactory smile played on his beautiful face.

"Really? I think I can arrange something with him. But careful! I must warn you, he's a sex addict. He'd love to get in your panties."

"I think I'd like that too. Seriously baby, you have a beautiful voice! I could listen to you all day long"

He chuckled and put a hand on my knee. I started to get nervous, after all, this woman has a huge advantage on me. He sensed my thoughts.

"Maca, you have nothing to worry about. Millie is nice. It will be just fine. We're here".

It was a Japanese Restaurant. That lifted my spirit. He opened the door for me and held my hand. We walked in hand in hand. When he saw her he gave my hand a squeeze.

She was lovely. She was wearing white pants and a Turtle Neck baby blue shirt that was tight enough to see her bump.

Jamie called her name and she stood up to give him a hug. You could see the intimacy they had.

"Millie, I want you to meet someone very important to me"

She looked at me and gave me a smile that didn't reach her eyes and I felt sorry for her. I put myself in her situation, I would have died if it was the other way around. She must be a strong woman to endure this situation. So I went to her and reached out my hand. She took it gracefully.

"Macarena! We've met"

Of course we did. The day she arrived in Vancouver, I was the one to show her Jamie's trailer.

"Yes, nice to meet you again"

And I gave her an apologetic smile. She could slap me in the face right now and I would be ok. Man this is messed up!

Jamie felt what was going through my mind and placed his hand on my lower back that indicated me my seat. Next to his, across from her.

They talked about her week. She's staying at Jamie's apartment, he's paying for her expenses here. Only fair. The waiter came and we ordered, I asked for my favorite kind of Sashimi, Jamie went for Teriyaki Chicken and a California Roll, Amelia was ordering another kind of sashimi when I decided to open my mouth without thinking.

"Pregnant women shouldn't eat raw fish"

She just stared at me, I thought she was ready to spit on my face so I tried to cover my intrusion.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to tell you what to order, it's that my sister has two kids and she loves sushi and it was the only thing she really missed out in both her pregnancies"

"No, it's ok. I didn't know, this is my first pregnancy. I will ask my doctor. I'll have the Teriyaki Chicken as well"

"Millie, I think we need to get you a doctor in here, I'm sure you need regular check-ups"

"Yeap! Once a month"

Fuck! I did it again!!!! She drank some water and swallowed hard.

"That's the main reason I'm going back to England, I should be with my family and have my doctor take care of me and my baby"

Jamie's expression changed and I could see he was thinking how to react to this information so I stood up and excuse myself to go to the bathroom. Jamie stood up in a gentleman manner and sat down to continue his conversation with her. Shit! I should leave! This conversation is non of my business, I can't believe I said those things" I came up as judgemental! I really need a filter in my head!!! I need to refresh myself, I went to the sink to wash my face when the door opened. Millie stood there, just watching me through the mirror.

"Amelia, please forgive me if I was intrusive. I shouldn't mind your business"

"Let me ask you, how interested are you in Jamie? Are you willing to go through this? I mean, he's having a baby with me, you know, a baby, a human being who can't be disposable like a non-wanted pet"

"I know that! I love Jamie, I am willing to go through that"

She looked at her feet as in thinking what to say next.

"Ok, if you love Jamie, and I love him, as a dear friend and a long time companion, we'll need to deal with each other. I didn't get offended of what you say because to tell you the truth, I am new at this and had no idea, I'll google later. I want this baby more than anything in this world and if you are going to be the stepmom I need to know if you are a good person"

I was speechless, does this woman really exist?? Is there any kind of trick involved? Am I being punked???

"We should get back to the table, Jamie must be worried, think about what I said and let me know, here's my card"

She gave me her card and walked out, I followed her and saw Jamie looking at us very concerned I smiled at him to reassure him and he sighed.

"We were just chatting, you know how girls are in a bathroom"

"Is everything ok Maca?"

"Yes, it is, we should eat, we need to get back to the studio"

The rest of the lunch was just talk about the film, she asked me about Peru and mentioned that she would love to go there. I talked about my nephews and she said that she will start thinking in names.

We finished our civilized meal and Jamie called her a taxi, I kept thinking, this woman is out of this world!!! We got in our car and Jamie turned to me with a huge smile on his face.

"So? Are you gonna tell me what you girls talked in the bathroom?

"I am recovering from that"

"What do you mean?"

"She was very civilized, I mean, I was expecting her to slap me in the face after my intrussion but she was very cool actually"

"She is an extraordinary woman"

More like out of the world kind of woman. I just kept my mouth shut, I need to think about this. Jamie was relaxed and I didn't want to mess with his mood, specially since we had some more work to do.

We got in the studio and Jamie went to his trailer to transform himself into Christian Grey.

When I got into mine there were flowers on my table, the one Jamie and I had made love earlier. I read the note that said

You are an exquisite woman.


This is odd, did Jamie forget to finish writing the card? P.S what?? P.S I love you??

A knock on my door brought me back to reality.

"Macarena, Sam needs to talk to you in private!"

"Ok! I'll be right there!"

Well, this will need to wait!

*** I added the video of Fairytail from the Sons of Jim so you can enjoy our Jamie, enjoy!!! Gracias!! xoxo-Z.

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