Christmas Visitor

Depuis le début

"What's your name?"

"Macarena...... Santana"

"Oh my! You're Anastasia! Jamie told me all about you!"

"Ha! I DOUBT it"

She looked at me confused and I knocked loudly on Jamie's door. He opened it and looked at me, then at her and I swear he almost closed it again.


"Millie! What are you doing here???"

"Your GIRLFRIEND came to surprise you"

Amelia looked at me, then at him, opened her mouth trying to say something but I cut her.

"Well, I'll leave you two to your little family reunion. I'm going to make up".

I turned to leave, suddenly Jamie came after me, grabbed my arm to turn me to face him.

"Why are you mad???"

"I AM NOT MAD!!!!"

"Ok, then, why are you yelling???"

"I AM NOT YELLING!!!! I'm just surprised that the mother of your child is here saying that she's your FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!!!!"

He looked at me trying to hold a smirk on his face.

"Oh FUCK YOU Jamie!!!!"

"I'd rather you fuck me!"


I turned and stomped out. I was boiling. For the love of God!!!!! I need to get out of here!!! I grabbed my phone and dialed a number.

"Maqui!!!! I was about to call you!!! I wanted to..."

"Jenny! I don't have time, I just called to say that I accept your invitation for Christmas. I need to get out of here".

"What happened??? Are you ok?? You sound mad!"

"I am furious!! I can't explain but I'll be there in a couple of days. Kiss the kids for me. I love you sis!"

"Me too! Hurry home linda!"

"I will"

I went to make up and called my mom to check on her. All my family went to Australia for the holidays. Gosh I needed her.

"We're fine, your brother organized a welcome party for us, all your tias are here. We're missing you. How is Jamie?"

Ugh! They love him so much!! I can't tell her exactly what's happened.

"He's fine! He has family over. I am going to Jennifer's"

"Oh! I thought you guys..."

"Mami, I have to go. Te amo!"

"Yo también bebé"

I hung up almost bursting into tears and stood up to go to my next scene. I won't let him ruined all I've worked so hard for. So I walked towards the studio determined to do my best performance ever! And SHE was there to watch my show. Ugh! I hate her, I hate him, I hate the guy handing her a bottle of water, I hate the taxi driver AND the pilot who brought her, right now my rage is just over the sky limits.

I pulled it together and finished the last days of filming. Jamie knew it wasn't safe to be around me and I couldn't believe Rita and the boys went out to dinner with them. The only one supporting me was Eloise so I invited her over to spend Christmas with Jenny and I.

After saying our goodbyes to everyone we walked towards the exit so we could take a cab to the airport.

"Maca! Wait!!!!"

I knew it was him so I turned slowly. He held me at arms length studying me.

"What do you want Jamie???"

"You! Where are you going?"

"Away from you and your baby momma"

"No, baby, let's spend Christmas together"

"WHAT??? NOOO! Leave me the hell alone!!! Eloise let's roll!!"

Poor Eloise! She was trying to calm me down but she surrendered and walked with me. Jamie called after us.

"Maca!!! Merry Christmas!!!"

"Go Fuc......."

"MACA! STOP!! Ignore him! Let's go!!"

"You're right. I'm sorry!"

So we left Vancouver behind. I was crying the whole way and Eloise held my hand all the way.

I arrived L.A with puffy eyes and Jenny almost died at my sight.

"That bastard!! You're better off Maqui!! Come, it's Christmas! My babies can't wait to see you"

"Me too! I'll be fine!"

And so I tried.

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