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I walked into the hospital with a gift basket in my hand. I walked up to the front desk woman. How may I help you? she asked. Would you mind telling me what room Tamar Braxton is in? I asked. She typed on the computer. What is your relationship to Ms. Braxton? she asked. Best friend. I replied. She glanced at her computer. Jamaica? she asked. I nodded. She grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down a number. She's in Room 304, on the 3rd floor; elevators are down the hall. she said pointing. Thanks. I said with a smile and raced to the elevators. I clicked the up button and waited for the doors to open. They opened and I stepped inside. I pushed the three button and watched the numbers as I reached the third floor. I stepped out of the elevator and grabbed a visitor's pass from the desk and walked to find room 304. I found it and knocked. It's open. I heard Tamar say. I walked in to see Tamar laid in bed holding a stuffed frog and Val seated next to her. Hey baby. Tamar said smiling at me. I smiled and set the gift bag down on the table by her bed. How are you feeling? I asked. She sighed. I'm okay. she said. Val moved over on the couch in the room so I could sit next to him. He kissed my cheek. How was work? Tamar asked. It went okay. James has been talking about possibly going out of business, so I'm looking at other jobs right now. I replied. I'm sorry hun, I know you really enjoyed that job. Tamar said. I shrugged. All great things must come to an end. I said. Val squeezed my hand. But enough about me, what have you found out so far? I asked. Pneumonia. she replied. Val glared at her. Babe, tell her the truth. he replied. I looked at both of them. Tamar sighed. I can't compete on Dancing With The Stars anymore or take care part on the tour I was supposed to be apart of. she said sadly. I sat down at the foot of the bed. Okay, so what's really wrong? I asked. PE; blood clots in my lungs. she said with a sigh. Tamar..I said hugging her lightly. I'm so sorry. I said. She shook her head. It's okay baby, I'll be alright. she said with a smile. I smiled sadly at her. You really are an amazing woman Tay, you would've went all the way in the competition. I said. And I know Val is very proud of you. I said smiling at him. Val smiled and nodded at us. You two are amazing, I love you both. Tamar said kissing my cheek. I smiled at her. We love you too, girl. I just feel like I've let everyone down. she said. I shook my head. You haven't let anyone down, you were amazing all through the competition, your health comes first, always. I replied. She nodded agreeing with me. I don't even care at this point. Val said cutting in. I just want to know that you're going to be alright. he said. I nodded agreeing with him. You guys really do to much for me. she said. Val shook his head. You're my partner, you're my friend; I care about chu. Val replied. I nodded. Yeah, and you're my best friendddd! I exclaimed. She laughed. I love you boo. she said hugging Val. I love you more. he replied smiling at her. She hugged me and I hugged her back. So, what's the plan now Tamar? asked. We're going to stay in the area as long as you need us to. he replied. Tamar shook her head. No, you guys go back to New York. she replied. I know you have family out there Val and Jamaica needs to start looking for a new job. she said. I shook my head. All of that can wait, you're our friend, and we want to make sure you're okay before we leave. I replied. She smiled. You all are really too sweet. she said with a smile. I smiled. We do it because we love you Tay Tay. I said hugging her again.

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