The New World

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It's been six years since my birth, and my parents are worried for me. The reason? Same as why my parents in my previous life were worried. I was deemed retarded at birth, and was completely mute for the first six years of my life. Let's go back to the day when I was born, and allow me to explain what happened.
So after being pulled out of my mother's womb, I immediately used magic by habit to determine what exactly was happening to me. A wind spell I often used for scouting, [Clairvoyant Eyes], allowed me to see the area around me in a perspective other than my own. In this case, I used it to look at myself, and immediately saw that my body was in the form of a newborn. It appears that I've been reincarnated. Along with that, I was missing something that males would normally have, which means that I was currently in a female body. Most men would panic at this, but it didn't matter much to me anyway. In my previous life, I was a virgin for the entire 27 years of my life, mostly because I didn't care much for sexual pleasure, nor was I curious about it at all.

Anyway, now that I'm able to grasp my form, I stop channeling the magic and my vision returns to my main body. I was brought to my mother's bedside, underneath some sort of device that shined light onto me, and gave me warmth at the same time. The strange thing coming out of my stomach was clamped with some object I didn't know, and the man that put me down brought out a towel and began wiping my body dry, while the light kept my body warm. I didn't utter a single sound the entire time, and this would later lead to the belief that I was a mute.

After drying my body, the man touched and moved my body around in several ways, but it was only later that I found out he was examining my body's functions and reflexes. I guess a baby's five senses are already developed upon birth, something I wasn't aware of. The only sense that wasn't fully developed was my sight, because my color vision was weak and I couldn't see as far. Of course it got better when I grew up, but at the time, it was kind of a nightmare not being able to see right.

After these examinations, he stabbed a couple of sharp objected into me and I could some sort of liquid entering my body. He also wrapped something around my body in several areas, then put me on some sort of device. I later learnt that he measured my body sizes and weight. Throughout these examinations though, I didn't react at all, and this lead to the second belief that I was retarded. When he mentioned these to my parents, they suddenly began yelling and arguing about something I wasn't able to understand, and soon enough, the argument stopped and it seems like my parents were the winners.

I was given the name, "Aria Brynhildr," and my parents took me home the day after. Despite being told that I was a retarded and mute child, they still raised me dotingly. They made sure that there were never any harmful objects near me at all times, and there was always at least one of them in the house whenever they needed to go out. They began to relax in their surveillance when I reached the age of 4, and began to leave me alone more often. I use the time I have alone to learn the common language of this world, and research the history of what happened after my death. I continued this until I finally became six years old, and now we're back where we started.
From what I've learnt from the past couple of years, It's been approximately 2,000 years after my death. Only that the bodies of the demon lord and I were never found. After the death of the demon lord, the humans completely eradicated the rest of the demons, and peace finally returned to the world. For the next 1,200 years, technology advanced greatly, starting with steam engines, and ending with electricity. Buildings were created with new materials such as bricks, wood and tiles, new methods of transportation was developed known as "Motor Vehicles," which had many sub categories that I can't be bothered to remember because I don't think it's important. In my opinion, the greatest change is the new form of communication developed. Devices known as "Phones" were created, and it was able to allow two people to communicate with voice through these devices.

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