im really happy and sad

55 8 3

dnt worry this isn't another bullshit depression chapter goddamn

holly's gonna laugh at me buuuuut idc

idk guys carlos makes me v happy.

like idk im always smiling when i see him or when he talks to me and he is too. the only thing is there are plenty of girls all up on his dick that think he really wants them like no hunny if u cant do a split on the dick like i can then hop off.

and then the other thing is that he has a gf but my friend says that she thinks he's not that into her and that she dates a new guy every three weeks so they not finna last. idk sum shit like that.

anyways carlos has been being a bitch and ignoring me ever since we switched seats, but today he started talking to me again and making random ass comments like shut the fuck up. and so what had happened was, my friend nd i were trying to peep him today & we found him finally, and she told me to say, 'hola papi' to him bc she knows i've called him 'papi' before bUT THAT TOOK BALLS!!!! soooo when we walked past him after years of tryna peep him, i said,

"hi carlos." and then i said "also known as papi." under my breath

and idk it was a really pretty moment because as we were walking towards carlos, he was like smiling at me and shit and i was so excited bc u know he looked happy to see me and i was certainly hype as fuck to see him so the fact that he was smiling made it nice. then he was like,

"hola." and he said other shit but i couldn't hear him. so i'm over here in my head like 'stfu we're not in spanish class but whatever' and i was like,


yeah then we talked a little while and i was like,

"why are you all alone i thought you had a football game..."

and he said it started later and then i was like aight and then i started walking away with my friend bc my dad was there and he was like,

"your shoe's untied."


"yeah i know."

and i looked down at her shoes and they were tied up perfectly and i knew my shoes were untied as fuck so i was dead ass staring at her like 'wtf is wrong with u'

idk guys he's really nice and cute and funny and pretty and he talks about the most random shit like we'd click so well and we talked a lot in class and he was talking to me today like where the fuck have u been bc this entire week i was like hello from the other side!!! fuckn bitch ass ignoring me

ya i would like to become close friends with him before the end of the year

the last thing i have is a crush on him


i don't have a crush on him

like idk he's cute and his personality is the best and he has this really nice smile and idk he's really cute and yeah im waiting to glo up so i can bag but i dont have a crush on him god

p.s. - rn im listening to jumpman which is my favorite song atm


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