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most fetus chapter ever.
disregard any ignorance. 

we all get them. if you don't, you are definitely one lucky person. crushes are called crushes because well, if your crush doesn't get with chu, you will be crushed. point blank, right? correct! and half the time being the disgusting humans that we are, we base our crushes off of looks rather than personality.

i mean let's be honest, everyone reading this right now who has had a valid crush or two has at LEAST based one of them off of looks, which actually really isn't a crush, it's an attraction.

but let me break this down for you.

first term at new school - 2 crushes. yup, i had the joy!1! of having dos crushes, deux, II, 2, twooo! one i saw in my class and i was like "oh he's kinda cute". then it got worse and i was like wow he's really really cute. and then his laugh was the greatest thing and he was so nice and kind and everything but he hardly knew me and i hardly knew him, we only just sat at the same table.

then i had another crush that i didn't think or know would turn out to be another fuckboy. let's just say he was v v cute and i was v v attracted. me and another girl liked him too so we were like 'yas sista'! then it fell into a routine of us both hating him. he started annoying me to no end bc he was hot but totally disrespectful to girls, and he started fights he knew he wouldn't win- and i must enforce: "ladies do not start fights, but they can finish them."

but i always still kinda get the feels for him bc he sits next to me in class and everything and ugh he's very pretty and all and im so ugly omg lol. and today he was being flirtier than usual and he like whispered in my ear something really dirty and i was "blushing" a lot and i was annoyed bc it was one of those fanfic moments where the guy's a total biatch but the girl likes him and he's hot right?

the guy gets the girl flustered all the time and she can't help it. but in a larger sense(little abe lincoln for u babes) it's disrespectful to speak in that manner to girls, like um excuse u but did i ask u to enter my bubble? did i ask you to whisper in my ear like that? no, baCk off pls.

and then there are the people that are crushing on YOU that you don't like back which is sad :(. but then there's this guy, we'll call him tf. so tf is always staring at everyone! its so freaking creepy. and so basically we became mutuals and im nice to tf until he started staring at me and being really creepy. he started being sort of romantic and i was not direct about it at first i was just like lol dave ur funny or ur a good fRIEND.

but guys don't take hints right? so then his staring starts really creepin me out and he sTill does it so i literally yell at him every time and he makes this annoying face im like dude im not even hot stop staring at me ugh you know how creepy that is. and i tell him that every time and he sTill does it. and one time i was like what the hell is wrong with this kid bc i took my sweatshirt off in latin class bc it was hot and i had a shirt underneath it.

So after i did that he just starting laughing and staring at me and in my head i was like: um u horny go to the bathroom thirsty ass. and so then i literally just furrowed my huge brows at him to show him that i was really weirded out and even that doesn't work.

all in all, crushes and crushing is a disaster and so is that creepy kid. ik i sound like a bitch lmao don't tell me that bc ill shove ur face in but there we go.

signing off,

oh yeah and the sexual thing that my crush said was like bc i was like "ow, insert boy's name here" and u know how boys are trying to make everything dirty so he whispered to me in this like voice that sounded like me having the frickle frackle and he was like, "ow, insert boys name here, ow." So if u don't get that:

basically he was making it sound like i got a penis shoved into my vagina yay

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