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omg so if you follow my snapchat which by the way is 'zuzustillhatesyou' or if you actually read my rants, then you would know that i am in the play hairspray at my theater camp!!

due to my audition, where i belted the last note, i got one of the lead roles named 'motormouth maybelle'. motormouth maybelle is confident, loud, energetic, sassy and motherly and she has quite a voice.

she's also v heavy aha. so i had to wear a fat suit in my scene. the song that i had to sing last night for opening night was called 'big, blonde and beautiful" and i had to belt and have this grunt in my voice and i did really well and by the end the audience was cheering and cheering they loved it.

and like afterwards, people were like "zuzu slay me" or "you hit that last note so well."

and people around my mom in the audience were like "damn that girl has some pipes" or "she can singgg." and i thought i wasn't gonna hit the last note because my voice was tired but i was so ecstatic that i did and that people loved it and gave me compliments even after the show.

now today after she show, we're having a cast partaY at papi gino's (which was lit)

then act 2 motormouth had to sing a song about the struggles black people have been through and people were literally crying onstage because her voice is beautiful and we got five people to cry in the audience which is good. like my voice was breaking because i was about to cry like tears were about to roll down my cheeks. and the same thing happened to people onstage.

(yo i'm pretty sure someone is hitting their child right now that's not good :///)

by the end, people were dancing and giving us standing ovations like they loved it.

our director couldn't be there bc she has to do something about a PHd all the way in montreal and she was sad that she couldn't be there but if she was she could be crying with joy 😩

today is the last show and we had such a great cast and crew! :)))


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