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alRIGHT. this is about to be one of those v sensitive topics that ik im gonna get a lot of hate on bc i bet a lot of the people reading this right now are v ignorant and won't understand that im NOT being racist as i speak, im telling you the truth. so don't come uP in here wiTH yo pussy ass whining about omg thats racist bc bitch no ik what im talking about ive done research on this ish and you're sitting here reading this so in advance to anyone who loves to complain: shut up thx.

the dominant race is white, point blank like period. if you didn't know that omg where you been. all white presidents until today(and no bitch obama wasn't the only black person to run for president of the us thank u v much), white people are hardly stopped for looking like they have a gun, we nEED to talk about white police officers oh.my.god, more successful white people with better jobs.

k im not gonna explain slavery and racism bc we all know it was created by white people and im not about to have this convo where it's like-

you : but

me: ahdjdn

you: white ppl

me: djdejdiJidbd

you: black people


lol idek.

k so racism basically sucks and it's still going on today.

like ferguson, eric garner. so from what I've gathered, a black man, idk i think he was like 40 something, was walking down the streets of nyc. he'd sold illegal cigarettes or some ish like that, ide remember bc it was so small.

so basically, a white police officer has got this all recorded on a body camera. eric is put in a chokehold by a white police officer and his last words were: i cant breathe, because as he started to say that, the police man did not let him out of that chokehold, and it was clear he knew that eric garner could not breathe.

so eric garner is now dead for selling illegal cigarettes. illegal cigarettes. illegal. cigarettes. that's it. so when a white man shoots up a school, he's just disturbed right? when a black man sells illegal cigarettes, in those white police officers' head, he's probably apart of a gang or something (what i assume they said)

so the police officers went to court, and remember, the whole thing was filmed on a body camera. omg yes the police officers are gonna be guilty! oh wait, i forgot to tell you- it's an almost all white court. white power right? these white police officers are named innocent by the white court although a 2 million dollar body camera captured the white police officers choking and killing an innocent black man on the streets.

if you dont think that's racist, idk what to tell u bc that shit was supposed to be left during the days when mlk was around. go watch selma fr.

then we've got white glamour. how many times have you picked up a magazine and seen another race but white? white is all the beauty rage, but im getting bored of blonde haired blue eyed white beauties that "grace" the cover of every magazine. like candice swan, that chick annoys me because she looks like every other white girl I've seen on a magazine cover. white beauty is all the rage in 2015, even on wattpad.

this is literally how all fanfics ive read go like:

harry's pov:

sarah miller was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. she had long, curly/straight blonde/brunette hair. her skin was tan, even though it was fall and she was usually very pale but i know she doesnt fake tan because all white people get tan when the sun is hardly visible. her blue eyes looked like an ocean, no, her bright blue orbs matched her shining white teeth, and her abercrombie sweatpants blah blah blAh

Oh my god I've never seen an Asian, a Hawaain, a Hispanic, a Native American, an Indian, nevermind black, forget all the other races, in a fanfic. because every pretty girl is white in the faNFICS!

then we've got reverse racism which i don't know much about. all i can tell u is that white people do get picked on, but it's honestly so annoying when there are so many other races being discriminated against and white people are complaining about getting called a cracker by some "chinese bitch" at school. omg someone called you a cracker! that's as intense as being called a nigger nowadays!1!1!11!1 like no, shut up please, like it's rude to call people crackers but stop talking about how people are being racist to u if you're white. um... u know your race is proven superior, why are you complaining about literally probably only oNE dominican making fun of you and calling you a cracker. like just shut. up. and white people are the fuckin ones who CREATED racism, and they want everything like im so serious. they appropriate everything and now they want racism for them? like honey, not gonna happen. you already made minorities' lives difficult, dont tell me that "just because i'm white and wasn't opressed doesnt mean you can't be racist to me!" and then i hate when white people think they should have a place in deciding what's racist and what's not. like i remember on kylie jenner's "blackface" post, mostly white people were like: "omg that's not racist! nobody complains when a black girl bleaches her hair!" okay, the only reason why u think it's not racist is because you are white and you will never understand racism because people are incapable of being racist towards you. like, why are white people in charge of everything? white people should just sit down when it comes to talking about racism unless they are literally against their own race. white people have NO place to try and define what's racist and what's not when they have never experienced it.

and lets not even talk about hip hop actually let's do that.

so hip hop was created by african americans. then it became popular. since white people found that they could not drive out hip hop, they started copying it, just like they copied jazz and made it into rock!

and im not saying white rappers are bad like cool go rap. but it's one thing when you're a white rapper and you have the nerve to be racist. and then a black rapper, like nicki minaj, the fucking QUEEN

makes a song with yes some offensive lyrics, but then she gets hated on. lol then iggy makes a song about being fancy and it gets hella praise. like ok it's catchy but there's literally no meaning.

and nicki minaj goes hard when she raps, iggy feels the need to put on some voice that i guess sounds black??? bc idk about u but im black and i dont talk like a hood rat thanks.

and some of nickis songs like the crying game, did it on em, etc. are like really good go check em out.

also dont say the n word around me.

Okay im so glad i got that out bc I've been wanting to get that out to the Wattpad community for sooo long. also i have nothing against white people, even though I'm definitelt allowed to, only the racist and the ignorant ones, and we are all ignorant in a lot of ways. no one complain or i stg i will block u.AND ALSO REVERSE RACISM IS NOT FUKIN REAL IF U THINK THAT I WILL PERSONALLY IDK I WILL MAKE U NOT THINK THAT GET THAT IN UR SCRAWNY LITTLE HEAD K REVERSE. RACISM. ISN'T. REAL. god im so sick of people complaining about reverse racism of people who aren't even the slightest bit minorities shUT UP U sound unintelligent! l o l ':-)

and then white people are over here like: we're being oPPRESSED! black people are making fun of us for being white! that's sooooo offensive! and fyi, i go to an all black school, dont tell me thts not racist!!111!1

if u are white and u are like that, just stop now. you literally cannOT be racist to a white person.

and if ur another race and u dont agree with me rn, ima ask u a few questions.

1) when u see a white person wearing a hoodie, do u think they're gonna get shot? :///

2) when u see a white person in a school full of minorities, do u ask urself why they go to that school?

3) and tell me, when u see white people embracing the minority stereotype, what do u think?

4) and lastly, have u heard any recent news about an innocent white person getting killed by white police? nah, u haven't,  and that's why reverse racism doesn't exist!  l o l!


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