damn you

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that's actually a song by lana del rey aye aye aye ayee

basically the song applies to this bc carlos is pissing me off.

alright so basically. i came to school for my education, i didn't come to get a boyfriend or do "more than friendly" socializing. so since i'm the one who's 99.9 percent right, i figure that carlos has a crush on me !!! which is a big thing for me to say considering most boys are repelled by my charm :))

but anyways i never liked him back and i really wasn't feeling his vibe. besides, he only seemed interested once he knew i spoke spanish.  but as i was saying - never liked him anyways. as a crush i mean, but every other girl was literally riding his dick bc they said he was fine and tbh from a couple angles, he's a solid 8 but his personality and methods are a solid 5.

so in spanish class yesterday, the teacher was like, "okay now choose a partner and create a conversation in spanish." and i whined, "i hate making conversations" n it was supposed to be to myself but carlos hears everythinggg so he looked dead at me with this mad serious look on his face. cuz he usually asks me to be his partner(which is not my only reasoning for why i think he has a crush on me.)

so then he moves over to the other seat with this girl tht i thought was cool but who has serious attitude issues(as i discovered before spanish class that day. im not a hoe) and he was whistling in that cheesy ass way not like a wolf whistle but u know the white guy whistle while he very noisily moved seats. and i was like alright, i got elijah as a partner.

then we went to second lunch and came back and he goes up to me and elijah who had finished struggling with our conversation and he was like,
"can i make a conversation with you guys?"

and i literally said to him,
"what the hell is wrong with you? we have like five minutes left in class." i literally saiD THAT IT JUST SLIPPED. and idek what he said but then he went back to his group.

then today he was being extra and ik i sound all upset and jealous but tbh idc who he talks to it's just that it was obvious that he was tryna trigger some sort of bitchy reaction from him not riding my dick (yea i got a dick but what's new) which pisses me off.

but basically he moved seats again next to the same girl and they were talking and whatever cheesin and shit and he would be leaning in mad close to her and then looking back n smiling at me and i didn't notice more than half the time bc i was doing my work. but then i looked up a couple times and caught that bullshit.

then he goes over again to move his bag and looks up at me for the illest and i was so pissed off like hoe talk to anyone, it's not gonna make me come crying back to you as if i was already with you.

anyways the reason i was pissed is bc he really thought that i was gonna distract myself from my education to pay attention to whatever he was doing like no!!! i know i sound like im jealous but im really not playing that shit is so childish like i'm grown as fuck(i actually hate when 12-16 year olds say they're grown but). anyways it was petty bc it was so obvious that he was only talking to her to get a reaction out of me bc he never talks to her and im just like ??? alright b a player cuz i am not finna get played !!!

im so sick of boys like not everyone wants to hop on your dick as a matter of a fact he was all up on mine and i wasn't feeling it. i'm here for my education, and if he thinks that i was really gonna put some pretty valuable work behind him to see me jealous then think again!! the point of this whole rant is that im annoyed at boys for thinking they're so important in a girl's life like ur lucky u made it in this rant book. im out


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