school series: first day

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we're really just gna jump right in.
okay so today was the first day of school :))) and i fell asleep at one am and woke up at five am yikes.
basically i wore a pair of blue jeans even tho today it was really humid and 95 degrees and i wore a white shirt with color splashes and holes in it and black combat boots.

then i went to skool and we had homeroom and like i got the lock for my locker but i forgot how to unlike it so i made someone do it for me and now i don't know how to open my locker lol yikes

we got a new principal and everything too and we got like a new bell so it's a loud beep instead of an annoying a$$ ring.

so we spent a while in homeroom getting everything ready or whatever and we have to fill out forms by the way someone remind me to give them to my mom because if you don't i will forget.

i spent period one in gym listening to the teachers drone on and on about the rules like ahhh shut up

period 2 came along and we went to the auditorium to listen to like the principal and the police officer's speech and there was so much clapping but holly wouldn't stop talking lmao ily

the rest of period 2 i went to english and the teacher seems boring & strict and ahh i'm scared. but luckily, she lets you turn in projects two days late and she doesn't give too much homework.
but i sit with the fuckboy i used to always rant about and used to have a crush on and he needs a major haircut like i know he's a stoner but c'mon.

then in period three i went to unified science and we have the most confusing teacher like he stopped talking about the syllabus to talk about this comedian who once set himself on fire just to end with some random quote and then got back into the syllabus i was like tf ¿ then he played bill nye the science guy which was great since i haven't seen bill in years.

period 4 was humanities and we had to walk around listening to people talk about the gov't and our country but we had a very swift yet good convo about police brutality and racial violence.

this one bitch tho she wanna say: "i think our country would be better if we had a different president."

i literally laughed in her face like i hope you don't mean donald or jeb bush oh god they're ugly & irrelevant go for hilary even though she's problematic too(not for the emails because who ever believes that email stuff is full of bullshit.)

the teacher seems chill and nice though so that's awesome.

then in period five we had spanish but the teacher wasn't there and then i accidentally sat down with the super problematic white girls and i was like what am i doing and basically since the teacher wasn't there, we had silent study in which i slept.

then we had second lunch or whatever so i went to the bathroom to unstick my jeans from my thighs because it was hot as fuck.

sixth period, we had latin & i was expecting the teacher to be bitter and old but she's just old not bitter. she made us sing the declensions and stuff but we had a quiz on the geography i was so done but it's not like it goes to your grade so i barely did anything. then she said our hw was to find a binder and shit and tomorrow we have a quiz on the first declension endings which are really very simple and yeah she's cool like she jokes with us whatever.

then i had math and the teacher is really nice but she gave us those 'get to know you' things and i was like uhh i haven't seen these since fifth grade wyd???

ofc when the get to know you survey asked what my fave song was i said anything by lana del rey or the weeknd.

anyways the day was nice but the new kids that come in are so unintelligent like damn was i really like that last year? anyways, there's the sixies which are the kids that still have six years to graduate (our school goes from 7th - 12th grade) and they're in 7th grade and they walk so fucking slow like i know i was in seventh grade two months ago but can u pick up the pace like i should've been a mean eighth grader and told them to get the fuck out of the way.

like i'm trying to get places MOVE.

anyways ik a few of them and they really thought this school was gonna be heaven compared to their old school like they've literally said that honestly shut the fuck up lol

anyways that was school whatever im hungry so bye


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