lesson of the day

48 5 0

don't come to me with your problems and issues if you're just going to be a bitch about it

like i'm getting real tired of my friends coming to me to complain about something and then taking out their frustration on me 

like bitch u came to me for advice don't be a piece of shit about it

once you start being rude to me while i'm trying to comfort you about your shit is when i start being mean

i really don't give a fuck if you lost your pet or if you failed a test once you start being rude towards me ://

like just now my friend was complaining about something and she starts being rude to me and she complained about the same thing and i literally said "okay. why are you telling me this? :///" my friend is like worried about her mom cuz it's been three hours and she hasn't come home and they can't reach her and i'm tryna go to her house so we called her mom and she didn't answer. so i said, "we can't reach her either." 

she goes "why would u call her?" as if it's not like everytime we hang out i gotta talk to her mom. 

i said, "hmmm, maybe to see if i can come over??? why else would i call her anyways? to socialize? :///" 

like i don't care what happened to you- take your frustration out on me and get the same thing in response :)))


#rantableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora