internet fame

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so i'm just remembering when i mentioned making a youtube channel and someone said that they were gna watch me accept a tca award and i was like yaasss but then i was like wait ew no. like im so happy that yall are rooting for me buT I WANNA LET U GUYS KNOW

i am not gonna be internet famous!!! i don't want to be a famous youtuber or viner or catch my 15 seconds of fame cuz i made a funny video that everyone laughed about for a week.

i don't want to be internet famous because it's so typical and i just don't want to be someone that you could mention to another person and they will blank on me cuz i'm only famous on the internet like ugh no. i don't wanna be categorized with people who got famous from the internet likr cameron dallas, nash grier, etc. there are a lot of people that gained their fame from the internet that i like, but if i'm gonna gain fame from the internet, i know damn well that it's not gonna be because i have 2 million subscribers on youtube.

just because i'm having a youtube account soon doesn't mean that i wanna be internet famous, don't set up goals for me cuz it makes me feel uncomfortable and like??? thats not what i want to be like ik it was a nice thing to say and if you said it (idek which one of u qts said it) then don't feel bad or anything. but like guys, i'm going to be famous. just not for the internet. i feel like i could go further than just getting a plastic surfboard or whatever they hand out for the tca's.

but lemme talk about what i actually want to be -

i want to be a writer and a singer. at first, i wanted to be a writer and a singer and an actress, but i think acting is just a side thing. and no, i do not want to be just a songwriter, i hate when people ask "so do you want to be a songwriter?" no you d*mb bitch if i had wanted to be a song writer i would've said, "i want to be a songwriter", not, "i want to be a writer and a singer." we learned this in english!!! and is a compound(it's actually not nvm) that separates a sentence!!! get it tofuckinggether.

ik people say your plans change as you grow up but since i was little, this has been my dream and it will continue to be. i know i want to be famous, but i don't want to be so famous that i can't see my family or that too many people know my name and business. of course i want people to know my name, but i don't wanna be a household name like kim kardashian or taylor swift.

u feel?

if the whole fame thing doesn't work, then i want to be a psychologist. i want to study mental illnesses and how your brain/mind works etc etc. what triggers people and how etc etc

ik i'm only in 8th grade but my senior friends tell me that i have more of a plan than they do for college. basically, i want to double major in creative writing and music(vocals) and minor in psychology. this would probably only work since writing and psychology are pretty similar majors. but hey, i might just stick with voice lessons and only major in creative writing in college so i don't stress myself out.

anyways, i at least want to be famous by the time i'm fifteen or sixteen, and have time for my family and homelife, so i'd be kinda in the dark, going on tours when needed. i don't wna be out of the house and tired all the time. i also want to go to college, so i plan on staying in school since i graduate early (at 17 instead of 18) and once the whole college thing comes around, i plan on going right away. no year breaks to film movies, and if i need to, then ima pull an emma watson and get my education while filming my damn movie (which i probs wont be filming unless i do choose acting as well.)

so yeah, guys, if you're expecting me to be internet famous, then you're expecting the wrong thing. i hope whoever wrote this doesn't feel offended, but im js, if yall thought i wanted to or was gna be internet famous, then you had it twisted. i think i could rise above that & those were never my goals, just bc im gna have a youtube channel doesn't mean im gna be youtube famous, that's not everyone with a youtube channel's goals.


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