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u know white people... get money don't spend it

anyways im sick of this immigrant bullshit

"get out of my country..."
like exfuckingcuse you
this land is your land this land is my land gtfo
that video made me sick like what is wrong with you? white people feel threatened when people o color come to their country because they think they're finna be overthrown.

or sarah palin or whatever:
"you better be legal or else... you're outta here and we're in america, sooo let's try to speak american."

speak american??
are you white or are you white lol
"speak american" like shut up now you sound even more d*mb.

and these people are immigrants, i'm not saying they don't speak english at all but can we try to be logical here?

also, what up with the acting like since you live here, it's now your country? if anything, this is poc country seeing as we created america and carried white people on our backs for too long and that's how the jim crow plays got the idea that we couldn't walk :))).

also, it really annoys me when white people get all bothered if someone doesn't speak english like mind your business did anyone say you had to know what they're saying? like my friends speak spanish during class and all the white people have to be like:

"speak english!11!1! you're bothering meeeee :(("

also, what if you go to a different country for your family vacations? are the people there gonna tell your gringo ass to speak spanish? no so fuckk outtaa here!

i have so much more to say on this but i can't process anything right now so one day folks.


#rantableNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ