I feel my gut clench hard and I slowly walk away never turning my back to him. In case he decided to pounce I kept my eyes on him.

The last thing I see is his smile covered in blood. The women hanging off him grinding with no shame.

The large doors close with a solid thud. I hear Arson laugh darkly through the door. Then I swear I hear moans and screams of pleasure.

Shuddering I walk into the large halls leaving Arson and the women alone doing god knows what.

I sigh becoming lost after two turns in the massive marbel maze. I give up finding my room as seeing no one around for me to ask.

The halls are bare and empty save for the bloody and disturbing glass windows that play out acts done by Arson. I avoid looking at them the best I can. Just there are so many.

I walk with my head down for what seems like hours till I see bright light. A light much like warm sunshine. I smell flowers on the slight breeze seeping into the long hallway. I walk to it quickly drawn to the beauty of the bright contrast to the dark dullness of the halls.

I find I walk into a court yard of sorts. Beautiful flowers are in bloom. Their bright colors soothing to damp cold of the halls.

Stone statues stand tall looking quite intense in their frozen beauty. Many are so life like its like they could walk up to you and say hello.

I smile at the one of two girls with detailed wings playing in the pond at their feet. I look into the small pond. Under the lillypads growing in the water I see many fish. All have the fancy tails and are as large as my arms. Their bright orange and gold colors beautiful with the black and white.

I turn away from the pond. Finally feeling at ease as I take in the life made of stone. I find a fountain in what seems to be the center. The canopy of orchids is stunning. A snake glids from the water as I approach. He stops and looks at me a moment before laying in the sun to sleep.

"True I'd never harm you. Your an innocent in life. Just doing what you were meant to do. I am in your home after all." Seeming to understand me he slithers back to the fountain taking his place on the side.

Smiling I dip my hand into the nice cool water.I cup some and wet my face. The feel of it is welcoming. I sit on the bench next to the fountain. Enjoying the beautiful sight of the gardens. I look over the whole area till I see something new.

Standing I walk over to the new area. This one has a rough iron gate that stands over ten feet high. Ivy and Jasmine has grown over the gate keeping anyone from seeing inside. I pull on the gate hard. It barley moves so I give another pull. On a loud protesting screech the gate opens. I walk in the gate closing behind me from the weight of plants growing on it.

Another court yard greets me. This one is aged by many many years. Its still beautiful in its old charm. Someone has somehow kept it decent. The flowers here are wild and untaimed but sill have seen tender care. Green moss grows on almost every stone serface save for the statuses. The leaves from the pervious year are still on the ground. As they decay leaving behind their imprints on the stone walk ways.

Finding beauty in this odd garden I walk around. A small that is familiar to me blows on the soft breeze. I keep walking ignoring it.

  I stop dead when I see something that stops my heart. A statue stands in front of me that looks like Arson and the man from the forest but younger and happy. Deep confusion takes hold.

The stone captures them perfectly it's scary. I walk closer entranced Looking closer I know its them. Shaking my hed I walk on. I see flowers in bloom around beautiful women in gowns meant for balls and mystical creatures all looking alive and ready to walk around me.

I can't help but touch each one like their alive. Their cold green moss covered stone tell me they arnt. I stop again as I see another one of the man from the forest though this one is so sad and so at odds to the one of him smiling with Arson.

I reach out and touch the hard jaw line wanting to kiss away that frown. I nearly scream as a large callused hand wraps around my wrist. I freez feeling my heart pound hard against my ribs as my hand is lifted from the cold stone to warm flesh. I breath in that forest sent and fresh rain as another hand is turning my face from that of the statue up into his eyes. My breath leaves me in a gust and I start to shake but not from fear.

"You..... What Is it about you that I'm so drawn to?" He shaks his head like he didn't mean for that to slip. He laughs nervously.

"I could ask the same thing" I sigh softly watcing him as he smiles intreged

"What drew you to touch this one of me out of all the others and not a single one of him? I know you know who I mean." He says kissing my palm so gently and then having a look of silent shock that slowly fades.

His slight touch and soft kiss have me realing. I ramage through my head trying to pice words together.

"He discussed me!" I growl out my anger evedent.  "I do fear his interest in me though." The words leave me with disban at the memory of Arson.

I look at the man before me again. His handsome face pulling something inside me.

"The The sadness of your expression. I_I wanted to umm well..." I stampered out and blushed The words not finding their way out. I feel my chin being lifted not knowing I had looked down.

"Wanted to do what?" He asked his voice husky as he leaned down his lips inches from my own.

I lean up and kiss him hard and quick. His hands grab my face gently but firmly bringing my face back to his and he kissed me deeper.

He stops as my hands find his shoulders. I hold on so not to swoon. Stopping he leans his forehead against mine and breaths deeply his eyes closed.

I trace his jaw with shaky fingers and he leans into my hand.

"I've waited for you you know? I've watched you grow from a wea babe to pretty teen into a beautiful women. I've wanted to protect you from everyone and everything. Exspicely him." His voice letting loose hurt and anger  upon his tender words.

"What you mean? I_I don't know you. I_ I don't even know your name." my heart pounds at this realization but I don't back up I find I know I'm safe with him.

"Deliverance. " he mummers softly. I smile for real since I left home.

"My Dev. " I say it just rolls off my toung without hesitation.
His eyes fly open searching mine. finding what he was looking for he kisses me again.

"Your my Ra." He nips my lip.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now