Chapter 5

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Later that day as the sun moved across the sky and I had my fun with my new bag, I could feel the moon would be rising soon as if inside my own body I had a star chart. Mama stayed with me not bothering to tend to her station, the fortune booth. I grab her crystal ball the weight light. Far different from how it was a week ago.

I flop onto a hay bal the light breeze from outside seeping into the open tent flap. The smells of the men and women fill my sinces, making my stomach twist in hunger and disgust. Mama as if knowing my unease comes and sits beside me.

"Breath lightly it'll pass." Her words make me smile timidly.

She brushes my hair back from my face with tender care. Braiding it into a tight long thick rope down my back.

I look from her smiling face down into the glass glob sitting in my lap seeing my face reflected back.

Now seeing just how vivid the glow of gold in my eyes is I sigh deeply.

Shaking it off with a brisk snort I open my mouth wide to look at my new fangs.

Reaching up a shaky finger I touch them as I bring them down then slowly let them go back up. I repeat this many times still amazed at the odd feeling that it makes in my mouth.

"Not the sight I wanted to see as I send my little sister off. Its so unlady like to pick at ones teeth even in private."JayBee's sassy voice breaks in as she walks gracefully into the tent. The sunlight seems to blead from her skin like she's the sun itself.

I look up at her faking a smile. She sees my sadness breaking through and I hear a slight sigh.

She comes and sits beside me taking my hand into hers holding it tightly. Looking into her flawless face I see her beauty. Her round face slightly chubby with her white halo of blonde hair. Straight bow lips outline white stright teeth. Short thick lashes shadow her baby blue eyes that swim with tears. I cover our hands and hold them against my chest.

"Once a sister always a sister. I love you JayBee. " I place our hands on her chest in turn. She nods at me and I hug her tightly. her shoulders giving away her sobs.

I feel her moving around inside our hug. Leaning back I watch as she pulls off her ring, a rare blue diamond, and slides it on my middle finger. I see her hands trembel. My heart akes at the sight. She kisses my hand then as she squeezes it tight. With steady flowing tears she stands suddenly turning on her heal and running from the tent. Her face in her hands golden white hair flying behind her.

I stay there watching knowing nothing I do will change my leaving or the changes taking hold of me.

"She'll make it. We all will. " mama cuts into my thoughts coming to me carrying a large pack.

"Knives, a bow, and arrows are inside. Along with cloths and your items." She lightly takes my hand leading me out the tent for the last time.

I step out into the dieing sun noticing that it's not as bad as it was to my eyes. The heat is still strong on my skin turning it a faint red against my tan.

I look around seeing more then I ever have before and my breath catches at the beauty. The hills of deep green grass surround the small valley dip that slips to the dark forest beyond. I find I can pinpoint grasshoppers in the grass and the grass spiders as they hunt from their burrows. 

I feel a hand touch my shoulder breaking my focus.  I look to see my father. He smiles down at me taking me into his arms and hugs me tightly. His strength faded compared to mine now. I feel him drop something heavy into my pocket I place my hand over it.

"Later Raven.  Look later." He nods lightly and I nod back. I kiss his cheek hugging him one last time. My heart breaks more as I let go and step back. I turn to see JayBee coming slowly to me. Her eyes still turbulent like adeep blue sea. I see that she has a squirming bundle in her arms.

"Keep him safe he's from us all." She places a large kitten into my arms. A kitten that is bigger then her should be at his age. Knowing he will become huge I smile. He looks up at me with beautiful striking eyes. One green the other yellow.

"Odd like me huh?" he starts to purr his large  gray paws begain to need my chest.

"I will! He's absolutely beautiful. " I smile tears falling From my eyes making them hurt.

I hug JayBee tight and kiss her cheek.

"Always my sister. Always in my heart." She nods more tears falling. I touch her cheek softly.

Last I turn to mama. I sit the kitten on my bag then pull her into a furious hug as all my love comes out and my tears flow freely now. The pain it makes in my eyes is nothing like the pain my heart is feeling.

She hugs me back just the same and when we part I see her beauty and I smile kiss her head slowly and softly.

Father slides my bag onto my shoulders with hesitation. My new companion makes his pourch on my shoulder and I slowly walk away looking back more then once to see them all together without me but loving me just the same as I hope they always will.

"I leave half my heart with you my family." I say it loud wondering if they will hear my final words to them.

Walking on down through the hills and into the vast valley the kitten purring in my ear I feel something coming.

I turn around and see a figure running right at me. I see a man a good ways behind the small figure yelling. Shock I am to be able to hear his words as if he was yelling in my ear.

"Come back! She's dangerous!"

On instinct the huge kitten dives into my bag as I'm hit by a body. The force at one time would have knocked me over. I now stand strong against the on slight.

Looking down I see Allena. Her arms are around me holding tight. Her body shudders with her sobs. I wrap my arms around her tight but carful not to crush her like I know I could.

"I couldn't! I just couldn't! I couldn't leave without saying goodbye. Or telling you what you mean to me. How I feel about you!" Her normal clam voice gone. "Father didn't want me to come so I ran." Her voice cracks at this. Over her head I see her father has stopped on hill still a good distance away.

I close my eyes his words hitting me with the truth. "I am dangerous Allena. You more then most." She looks up into my eyes her wild red hair blowing around us.

She shakes her head violently. I smile softly at her letting my fangs show. She looks to my mouth her full rose colored lips quivering. I brush back her hair softly the curls sticking to my fingers.

"What is it you want to tell me Allena?" The words are a soft whisper just for her. I place my head against hers closing my eyes. I hear her breath catch slightly.

"I. I'm in love with you. I have been for a while now." Her hands hold onto my shirt tightly. Her knuckles turning white. Her breath starts to hitch.

At her words my heart swells. leaning back I look into her face. Her pail freckled cheeks and little nose make her seem so much younger then she is. Her olive green eyes look into mine with so much worry.

I watch her bite her lip nervously. I touch her cheek with my hand. Sliding my thumb along her lush bottom lip. Which makes her tremble. Her eyes dart back and forth. Without the slightest hesitation I kiss her.

I hear her heart beat faster and faster. Her blood rushes through her body. My fangs lenghten all the way down. I nip her lip softly before pulling back.

"If I could stay you'd be mine." Her eyes swim with tears. I hold her to me tightly knowing her tears are falling now. I kiss her head. I take a Raven feather from my hair and place it in hers.

"I love you. But you must stay." With a last squeeze and one more kiss on the head I walk off. Her hand slipping from mine slowly. I look back one last time to see her father standing with her. His hands on her sholders watching me leave.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now