To: Mom <3

Don't worry, we will find Miranda and Mariah, we just need to cross our fingers and pray.

I sent the final text. As I exited the conversation with her mom, I saw a few of her other texts. There were some to Mariah, and some to this random number. Why was she texting to an random number?

I clicked on the conversation, and I couldn't believe what I saw.

The first text said 'Hey Miranda. Guess who?'. Miranda's reply was weird too. She said 'Just leave me alone! I don't want anything to do with you!'. Who was this person?! I read through some more of the texts, not believing what this person was saying to her, saying they were coming to get her, and she had no way of getting out of it.

What the fuck is going on here?! As I read the final text Miranda had sent to this person, everything instantly made sense. My eyes went wide as I read the last text.

It said 'I HATE YOU SO MUCH SPENCER SCHNEIDER!'. SPENCER! The person was Spencer! Her ex boyfriend/abuser! How did he find her?! How did he get her number?! Oh my god, why didn't Miranda tell me that Spencer had found her?

Then it hit me.

Spencer said he was coming to get her. That text was from yesterday. SPENCER KIDNAPPED MIRANDA AND MARIAH! I jumped off of the bed, quickly throwing on some shorts and a shirt, and running to the other boys' rooms.

"BOYS GET YOUR LAZY ARSES UP!", I screamed, scaring all of them. "BAND MEETING IN THE LIVING ROOM! ASAP!", I yelled, running up and down the hallway. I ran to the living room, quickly grabbed a granola bar, and plopped down onto the sofa, waiting for the lads to come.

after about 3 minutes, they all came into the room, dressed for the day. "What's the matter Zayn? You're never up this early!", Liam said, coming to sit by me.

"Well, I just had a major break through.", I said, getting more anxious. "What happened?", Louis asked. "Okay, well, I THINK I KNOW WHERE THE GIRLS ARE!", I yelled with excitement.

"What?! Seriously!?", Harry yelled, a smile spreading across his face. "Yea!", I replied, also grinning. "Well, where?", Niall asked. "Walnut Grove Minnesota!", I said.

The boys gave me a confused look. "That's where their from! Why would they go there without telling us though?", Harry asked. Oh yeah! They didn't know about Spencer! I quickly told them about Miranda's past with Spencer, and I showed them the text messages.

"Oh my god! This guy is a psychotic douche bag!", Harry yelled, balling his hands into fists.

"I know! And that's why I think that he came up here, kidnapped them when they were going to Starbucks, and brought them back to Walnut Grove! And who knows what he's doing to them right now! WE GOTTA GO!", I yelled, running to my room.

The other boys quickly ran to their rooms, packing their stuff like I was. Within 10 minutes, we all had our stuff packed up, including the girls' things, and were all ready. We had called Paul, told him everything, and he was coming to pick us up, to drive us to Walnut Grove.

We tweeted to all the fans saying that the search was moving to Walnut Grove, and that whoever would be able to help down there would be appreciated.

We went down to the lobby, waiting for Paul to pull up. Within 7 minutes, Paul pulled up in the van. We all shoved our stuff in the back, and clambered into the seats.

Louis was in the passengers seat, I was in the back on he way left, then it was Harry, Liam, and Niall was in the way back, laying down on the back seats. "Okay boys, the ride down there is about two hour and a half hours, so get comfortable, and I will get us down there as fast as I can!", Paul said, pulling away from the hotel.

Well, let's hope we get there on time!

********************************************** 2 hours later*****************************************************

  2 hours later, five sessions of Louis saying "Are we there yet?", Niall saying "I'm STARVING!" for the millionth time, and Liam saying "I have no cell service!", we finally are in Walnut Grove.

We have no idea where Spencer lives, so I looked him up on Facebook. I quickly found him, and his address on there, and put it in my phone.

"Okay Zayn, where to?", Paul asked, glancing at me in the rearview mirror. "Um, 123 Fifth Avenue.", I replied, looking at the address on my phone. Within a few minutes, Paul pulled up next to a small yellow house. We made sure the address was right, and sure enough, it was.

Okay, I guess its time to go kick some psychotic ass!


Oooohhh cliff-hanger!!!! Well, don't worry, I will update as soon as possible my lovelies! Please remember to vote, comment, and share with your friends on wattpad! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!

<3 Miranda

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