Chapter 48

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Grekken was worried.  It had been almost a week since the sentry had shown up with an unconscious Barrie.  The sight of her bleeding and unconscious had set the whole camp into a panic.  Chaos had reigned till Claude had taken control of the army.  Barrie had left him in charge before she'd gone out on patrol.  Grekken had taken that opportunity to direct the sentry on where to put Barrie.

One look at Barrie was Grekken needed to know that she was close to death's door.  Her anxiety and fear had eased slightly when she saw the amulet around her neck.  It was a bloodwort amulet.  It was used to keep those alive who were almost dead. 

Her relief was short lived once she got Barrie into her tent and saw the damage that had been done to her.  Her left side had been split open from the top of her thigh clear up to her ribs.  That wasn't the only wound she had either.  A blade had made a path along her jawline and curved up to just under her right ear.  An arrow was lodge in her right thigh, her back was covered in marks, while her hands and wrists bore cut marks from a sharp blade.

Barrie had been semi-conscious when she'd reached camp, but she hadn't woken up since then.  Her color was pale and she was running a high fever.  Grekken was doing the best she could with the medicine that she had.  She knew of a dozen herbs that would help get the fever down, but it was winter and those herbs were scarce. 

Grekken felt helpless as she watched Barrie waste away.  All she could hope for was that Barrie was strong enough to fight.  Grekkn could provide her with a warm bed, warm food, and clean bandages.  That much she could do for Barrie.  Other than that, it was up to Barrie to heal.

A rustling drew Grekken's gaze away from Barrie.  She offered Claude a weak smile as he stepped into the tent.  He came up to her and kissed her forehead as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.  She leaned against him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"How is she doing?"

"Not very well.  I'm afraid that she's not going to make it Claude.  She's dying."

Grekken's voice broke on a sob.  Claude dropped to his knees beside her and took her face in his work roughened hands.   He gazed deep into his wife's eyes. 

"Do not think that my love.  She will survive."

"But how?"

"With the skill of your hands and through a mother's love.  Tend to her, keep her warm and clean.  Tell her stories and speak to her.  Treat as if she is still alive and well, not as if she is sick and dying."

Grekken nodded and wiped her face.  "What are you to do?"

Claude gave her a grim smile.  "I am to join the hunt in looking for the men who did this.  They will be brought here for justice."

Grekken sighed as she reached up and touched his face.  "Come back to me safe and sound.  I couldn't bear the thought of losing you as well as my daughter."

Claude's answer was a smile.  He kissed her tenderly before he stood up and left the tent.  Grekken stared after him a long time before she resumed her seat.  She stared down at her daughter.  Grekken gave a watery smile before she began to talk in a quavering voice.

"Once upon a time.  There was a young girl, who fell in love with a handsome King."

Grekken's voice grew stronger as she wove a tale of love for her daughter.  She spoke long into the night.  Grekken poured her heart and soul into the tales that she told.  Hoping and wishing, that it would heal her daughter.

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