Chapter 14

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Not if you become you a Warrior Queen.

Those words had stayed with Barrie after her and Arthur had gone their separate ways.  She thought of those words first thing in the morning and they were the last words that echoed through her mind before she fell asleep at night.

"What's on your mind love?"

Barrie opened her eyes and peered over her shoulder at Grekken's reflection in the mirror.  A ball was to be had tonight and Barrie was busy getting ready.  Grekken had wrestled together the few women that she trusted to help make Barrie exceptional.  Barrie just wished that Arthur could see her dressed up in her finest.  Barrie's hand fluttered to her hair and pulled one long curl and watched it bounce back.  Grekken and her friend's had done wonders wit Barrie's long black hair.  It was swept up and twisted into a braid on the back of her head.  Tendrils had been left to escape and did tight corkscrews as they fell to her shoulders.  By the end of the night her free curls would be much looser.  Powder had been applied to her face, rouge to her cheeks, color to her lips, and crushed minerals to her eyes. 

Barrie's eyes dropped down to the dress that she wore.  It sat on the edges of her shoulders and swooped down to reveal an ample amount of her bosom.  Long sleeves hugged close to her arms and flared out just below her elbows.  When she pressed her hands together the ends of the sleeves dripped down like rain dripping from the castle eaves.  Lace trimmed the edge of her neckline and situated below her perky breasts was a medallion that Arthur had made her.  It was circular with scroll work and blue tourmaline dotted it's fair surface.  Her dress hugged her body till it reached her waist and it flowed to the floor like the petals of a flower.  Around the hem and edges of the sleeves was so more lace.  Her skirt was covered with needlework that formed the shaped of flowers, vines, and leaves. 

The color of Barrie's dress set was dark blue almost black like the night sky with the embroidery a light shimmery silver.  Barrie's blue eyes seemed to glow and appeared a shade darker.  The medallion Arthur had made set off her eyes and went with her dress.  Arthur had made it once her knew what color of dress she was wearing.  A year had passed since Arthur had started working in the castle and it was a blessing and yet a curse.  It was getting harder and harder to see each other without getting caught.


Barrie's eyes flashed up and met Grekken's.  "Oh Grekken.  I can't keep Arthur's words out of my head."

"And which words are those Princess."  Grekken draped a delicate silver necklace around Barrie's throat.  A servant was standing near by with earrings, bracelets, and a ring.  Another servant was busy polishing Barrie's silver leafed crown.

"Not if you become Warrior Queen."

"Take my advice Barrie.  Listen to Arthur.  He's giving you advice as a friend.  You will go far as Queen, but you'll go even farther as a Warrior Queen."

"What am I supposed to do with Beau and Cinderella?"

"I've seen your cousin Lord Beau with his wife.  He's not the happy man he was when he first met her.  Nobility has changed Cinderella for the worse.  I think your cousin will back you."

Barrie gave a single nod as she held her wrists out for Grekken to finish putting her jewelry on.  She stood up gracefully and slipped her feet into the silver heeled shoes a servant held ready for her.  Barrie twisted and turned in the mirror before she gave a finale twirl and faced Grekken.  "How do I look?"

"You look absolutely stunning."

Barrie smiled and ran her hands down the soft satiny fabric.  Her smile faded as she wised Arthur was here to see her.

"You look beautiful Barrie."

Barrie's head snapped up and a radiant smile broke across her face as Arthur stepped into view.  Barrie picked up her skirts and ran lightly across the room to where Arthur was.  She spun around in a circle before she came to a stop while her skirts twisted around her ankles.  Her hand touched the medallion as she gazed shyly up at Arthur from beneath her lashes.

"You really think I look beautiful."

Arthur stepped forward and placed his fingers beneath Barrie's chin and tipped her head up.  His eyes stared intensely into hers as he spoke.  "You look stunning in this dress my Princess.  You are the most prettiest girl in the castle and you look beautiful."

Barrie reached up and wrapped her fingers around his strong forearm.  Her fingers gently caressed his arm as she batted her lashes up at him.  "I wish you could come to the dance with me.  There's no one else I'd like to make my grand entrance with."

A small tight smile formed on Arthur's face.  "I'd like nothing more, but I cannot."

"Will you dance with me?"

"I can't Barrie.  I don't know how to dance."

Barrie giggled as she took Arthur's hands and placed them where they were supposed to go.  She gathered one her skirt in one hand before she took Arthur's hand in hers.  "Just follow my lead Arthur.  As I step forward you step back. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3...." 

Barrie counted out the beat as Arthur stumbled through the dance steps.  Arthur laughed and Barrie giggled while the servants tittered loudly hiding the sound of a man in the room.  Arthur grew bolder and began to take the lead.  Barrie threw her head back and laughed as Arthur spun her about the room.  They stopped dancing by the fireplace.  The fire glowed softly setting their skin on fire.  Barrie's chest rose and fell sharply.  Arthur's eyes were drawn down before he pulled them back up.  His gaze searched hers before he leaned down and kissed her.  Barrie closed her eyes and ran her fingers through Arthur's hair at the softness of his lips.

Arthur pulled back.  His left hand rested gently on the curve of her neck as his thumb rubbed her skin softly.  "I will wait up for you.  When you are ready to leave the party send Grekken for me."

"I will Arthur."

"It's time to go Princess."

Grekken pulled her charge gently away.  Barrie went reluctantly.  As she turned she wiggled her fingers at Arthur as he disappeared behind the tapestry that led to Grekken's room.  Barrie missed the stern glower Grekken gave the other women.

"You're sworn to secrecy,"  She hissed with enough venom in her voice to kill a horse.  "Any of you betray the Princess and you shall face my wrath.  Understood!"

All six women nodded their heads vigorously.  One of the younger women stepped forward and spoke.  "We are loyal to you and the Princess.  No way will we betray the two of you.  We have more freedom with you than we would if you had kept us out f this secret."

Grekken nodded and gave a satisfied snort.  Her hands patted all over Barrie setting everything back to the way it was before Arthur had shown up.  "You're ready love.  Make us proud."

Barrie offered her a brilliant smile.  "I will Grekken.  I'll come and get you an hour after midnight."

A knowing smile crossed Grekken's face which caused Barrie to blush.  The other women tittered in excitement as Barrie swept out the door.  Butterflies made a home in Barrie's stomach as she headed down to the ball.  She wasn't worried about the ball.  Barrie was excited, worried, and scared about meeting Arthur later.  She couldn't wait.

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