Magenta - Part 13

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Hope you enjoy this rather long lead up to the Club Opening.  There are a lot of new characters referenced in the next few chapters and some old friends returning.  I've been asked to do a Glossary for my Dark books and if this one leads to Book 3, I'll consider it.

Wait... What's that about a Book 3 I hear you ask?  If you don't already know this story read on!  

Well here's the thing.  I was asked what would it take for me to do a Book 3 and I jokingly replied that I would do Book 3 if Dark Stranger hit 50K reads.  I was definitely joking because it was at like 20K and change at the time and I didn't have any idea what was going to happen with my boys at the end of this book.  I guess though, now I do!

Without further do, back to the story...

After we quickly filled her in on some of the Club ideas, Alli took Indigo, Iris and Justin with her when she left. 

I didn't object and neither did Scott.  Justin informing us his agreement to join us on the bed was because he found us so enticing that he couldn't say no, even though he was straight...  Well that kind of put a wet blanket over the whole thing, for me at least.  I'd seen the way he'd looked at Indigo.  There was something there that I figured he should explore with no distractions, not even me.  Who knew, it could end up being true love.  

Scott and Alex turned behind me and went over to the couch, they looked slightly nervous, but it wasn't really visible unless you could had the ability to sense it.  I looked at them and wanted to run my hands over them and drink them down.  Not just their blood, their energy.  I could feel it thrumming under the surface with all the excitement still in the air, and I was grateful that they were mine but hesitant in case it spilled over again.   Because what we basically were without the control we needed, was one big power switch turning everything on around us, even the things that didn't know we could plug them in and jack them up.

Luckily for us, Alli had anticipated things and had brought along the three objects we really needed, the fulgurites.  She and Iris were adamant, anyone in close proximity would be safe from us for the rest of tonight and she and Iris had promised to return the following evening for some more training.  The offer was a welcome promise, as we definitely needed to learn control.  Shielding the general population from whatever this force we gave off when we were together was going to be hard enough.  I wanted to learn how to shield Alex too.  Although I knew he was totally ours, it was a concern that he wouldn't be able to say no either of us, even if he were given the choice.  Knowing Alex like we did now, he would probably never want the choice to say no, but still, I wasn't going to do anything voluntarily that would make me feel more like a monster than I already did. 

I had gone through so many changes recently.  The whole Mika take over, Father returning into my life and the power spiking between Scott and I.  It would be easy to freak out about being a monster... Vampire I could live with, monster was everything I didn't want to be.  It was going to be a recurring theme when I began making decisions as Master though.  Having Mika's attributes back in my personality meant that I'd liked the fear on Scott's face a little too much when Justin had gone full Sphinx.  But then I was equally frustrated with myself at our lack of shielding when it came to protecting Alex from Justin.  I knew now that Scott could cope with whatever I threw at him but Alex needed my protection as well as my desire.  My subjects would need a firm hand, but I had claws too and now that I was prepared to use them, well that was a game changer.

I'd wanted to sink my fangs into that pale column of Scott's throat and drown in the adrenalin that was likely still rushing around in his bloodstream as well as taste the salt sweat on his skin that rose in response to his need for fight or flight.  Scott would always choose fight rather than flight, it was the way he was built.  To face things head on, rather than leave them for another day.  Me, I could happily leave things until tomorrow, just roll myself up in his arms for the night and ignore the world.  I guess he was a bad influence, or rather a good one because I was starting to need the illusion of being a better person more than I ever had before.  I'd began to try and be a better man before Scott came into my life.  A better Vampire, a better leader, a better person.  Now, I wanted to live up to his expectations of me.  Impossible?  Maybe but I was determined to try. 

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