Zass - Part 7

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Here you go Mallie91

Angela and Pegasus walked round the corner of the building, the first cops on scene following behind in standard formation.  I could see that the lead cop was twitching about the 'civilians' being in front, but I knew they were still freaked out about what they had seen.  Besides Pegasus was an impressive specimen of masculinity and was eager to be in the lead.  Although, the sweat coming from the guy was indicative of something a little more than just fear of whatever they were walking into.  I shook it off knowing James's partner would stick with me and I felt her at my six, tapping my shoulder when I stopped to check out the first door we came to, typical SOP (Standard Operating Procedure).  Four doors later and I felt good, falling back into that rhythm, being backed up with someone at my six.  I checked the next door then we moved on. 

I could feel Tank and Cerberus behind her.  They were calm and patiently waiting action, but the cop directly behind me felt tense and jumpy.  The passage way opened out into a reception area, it wasn't lit by anything stronger than emergency lights so I pulled a flashlight from one of my vest pockets and held it against the wrist of my gun hand.  Don't get me wrong, I didn't want to shoot Zass, but I wasn't so fussed about shooting Mika.  Besides, he'd heal before Zass reclaimed his body anyway... hopefully.  I shone the light around the large open area and figured we were fairly safe from surprise attack.

I saw movement from the rear of the room and as I turned to shine the light on the figures moving towards me, I made out the uniforms of the other two police officers, then Pegasus and Angela bringing up the rear.  Apparently the cops had insisted on being in the lead after all.  I guessed they had been moving faster than us or found another entry quickly because I wasn't expecting them that soon.  But they weren't as unexpected as the blur that flashed before me and grabbed one of them as the elevator shaft closest to me dinged.  My eyes were still following the flash before I turned my head towards the elevator and saw Mika and one officer standing in front of the opening door.  Or rather it was Mika holding up the officer, waiting for the rest of us to comprehend that he had another hostage. 

I yelled, "Stop Mika!" as the doors opened all the way and he dragged the other officer inside the steel box. But he just smirked at me and let the officer stand on his own two feet while breaking the cop's gun in half in front of him as the doors began to close again.

"Shit, that guy's a dead man." Tank said.

My thoughts exactly.


When I disappeared through the door I'd smashed, dragging the heavy burden of the injured officer, all I was thinking was that he wasn't going to come between me and Scott.  Crazy right?  Scott belonged to the pathetic, blue ball of dying flame in the back recesses of my brain.  But I've decided that I'm ignoring the snivelling, remorseful little princess back there and doing whatever I want now. 

I was going to snap Blue's neck just as soon as I found somewhere to stash the body, but then the shock value of having Scott see him as I did it was just too delicious to pass up.  So I found an office with easy stair access and dumped him inside.  He was already beginning to show signs of Hypovolemic shock so I knew he wasn't going anywhere soon.

"Sit, stay." I said with a superior grin and went back downstairs to find someone else to take out of the equation.

I saw Scott and Co. come in from the alley corridor and the big guy and his girlfriend bringing up the rear of the other two cops.  The big Cop threw the hairs on the back of my neck up and I already smelt the 'wrongness' about him.  I didn't know what he was on besides steroids, but I could smell the sickness in his veins as it travelled around in his blood.  I knew a junkie Vamp a long time ago who used to haunt opium dens for a fix, but the smell coming off this guy would have turned even Stieg's stomach.  I was surprised he was still standing without shaking.  I could see he was jonesing and though I should have taken the healthy one out, it was the contrary side of my nature that just made me go for the biggest guy first. 

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