Lynx - Part 5

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Sebastian and Lynx sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I... Grow up Zass. Oh, yeah that's right, we're here for information.

What do we do now? My expectations were suddenly up in smoke. Lynx was one thing, Lynx and Sebastian teamed up together was something else entirely. It took me a second to think, but I honestly couldn't come up with a single plan that would deal with both of my foes. What the hell was I going to do? How would I get Mirth out of Lynx's clutches? How would I triumph over Sebastian when he was already clued in to the way I operated? Lynx was bad enough, but that lunatic was someone I had really wanted to put down the last time. Plus there was the whole Den thing. I'm going to have to go there again aren't I? Great.

Sooo... There have been a few times in my life where the outcome of a meeting or a confrontation did not go well. Admittedly it was around 30 years ago, but still, there might be some who remembered me in The Den. Tank started laughing, as he remembered the clusterfuck that was my last encounter with the Wolfpack Club that ran out of The Den. Now don't automatically assume that it was a Werewolf pack, because you'd be wrong... OK, just kidding not wrong! Yep, werewolves. There are a few misconceptions that I have to clear up. Nope a werewolf bite will not kill a Vampire. If they rip your throat out though it hurts like a Son of a Bitch. Like I said before, decapitation or sunlight. They are the only two ways to kill me. However, there are other not so pleasant things that could still ruin your decade. Like biting a Werewolf. Their blood does not agree with Vampires at all. In fact, you'll feel like death in minutes if you don't spit that shit out as soon as possible. It's the main reason I had such a memorable encounter with those Weres last time. Silly me, I thought I could fight my way out and for a while it was working, but I should have stuck to my knives instead of resorting to my fangs.

Didi had just become the Werewolf Packleader at the time, but his hold didn't extend as far as it does now and the Wolfpack Club was ruled by Drazhan. Drazhan was a real Dick, one of those no-neck types who just have to push everyone around because they're bigger or stronger than the next guy and constantly need to show it publically. Like a bear marking its territory. But that wasn't why I got involved. It was a case I was working on at the time. And you guessed it, it all came down to a woman. Not any ordinary woman as it happened, but there we go.

I saw Scott's questioning expression, and Tank made the 'Come On Bring It' gesture at me, so I enlightened Scott with my side of events.

"OK so 30 years ago Tank wasn't Master of the City." I said.

"No, I was his Second." Tank added.

"And?" Scott said.

"What do 80% of the world's arguments stem from?" I asked. "It was all about a woman."

"What a woman though!" Tank said with an amused tone.

"An opinion I don't happen to share, but yes. A woman." I said.

"Ohh, tell him about her eyes." Tank said.

"You want to tell the story?" I asked him.

"All yours Mr Sassy Pants." Tank said and sat back with his Scotch, waiting for me to organise my thoughts and explain how I got into one of the worst messes ever.

"OK." I said and then began the story.

I was on the trail of a woman who was wanted for identity theft. She'd been picked up in Salt Lake City on a fraud charge and once she was back in the system, old warrants had popped once her I.D. was run, including the identity theft case I was working. So I decided to take the drive and bring her back. The Dryad whose identity she had stolen was a friend of Del's and I had taken the case on. I hadn't been hopeful of catching up with her any time soon, it was well known she never stayed in one place too long. But she was picked up for theft and that turned into fraud charges once the I.D.'s she'd stolen were found. When I presented myself at the police station the following evening I was informed that the local Wolfpack Club leader had bailed her out. His son Bohdan had persuaded his father to get her out.

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