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Days went by faster than I would've wanted them to. I had been dreading this day to come but Eric was doing a great job in making me not think about it.


My other roommate and friend, Angie, came back so I thought that Eric wouldn't be staying with me any longer until she found out about us and let us the dorm room for ourselves. She stayed with Violet and Robbie until Eric was gone. Angie also promised not to tell anything to Jace. She wasn't comfortable with the situation but she understood the position Eric and I were in.

Neither Jace nor Daniel suspected anything. Well, except that they wondered if I was seeing somebody as I didn't hang out with them as much. I couldn't deny it so I told them I went on a date with a classmate that none of them knew about. They didn't comment further when I told them that it was a one time thing and nothing serious.

"You know what we should do?" Eric asked from besides me.

I was driving to the airport for Eric's flight. I turned quickly to look at him confused. "What?" I asked him and looked back at the road.

"Spend spring break together." He stated and it made my heart skip a beat just by thinking that he expects us to be together for that long.

I looked at him and offered him a smile. "That'd be great. I'd love to." I told him as my eyes went back to the road.

I pulled over about fifteen minutes later into the airport parking lot. Neither Eric or I made any move to get out of the car or talked. I didn't want to look at him because I knew I'd break down and asked him to stay with me or maybe even take me with him and I couldn't handle that right now. This was my last semester at school and if we last that long and I graduate by the summer, I'd definetely want to talk to him about being together. Together as in spending more than holidays together.

"Call me when you land." I said. I didn't know how else to talk to him without telling him I loved him and that I didn't want him to go.

Abruptly, Eric got out of my car and then's when I felt my heart break. He's gone. Just like that, he's gone. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths to prevent myself from crying. This was harder than I thought. No goodbyes, no kisses, no more words.

The first tear fell as my door was opened. I turned around and look at Eric offering me his hand which I accepted and got out of the car. "I'm a couple of hours away on plane. If you ever want me to come down, just call me and I'll get here as soon as I can." He told me once I was back on his arms.

I tried controlling my cries so he didn't have to deal with that too. "Don't worry. I think this will be good for us." I told him once I pulled back from his embrace. "This is an obstacle we'll have to get over with, don't you think?"

"Yeah, you're right. God, I'm so grateful I met you." He said and kissed me. I felt nothing but passion by the way he was kissing me. It made all of my insides fuzzy with excitement. My head was spinning uncontrollably but in a good way and I didn't want it to stop but unfortunately it had to.

Eric pulled back and rested his forehead on mine. He was panting and I could taste him just by his breathing. I didn't open my eyes after the kiss though. I felt so many emotions coming from him that I was afraid to look into his beautiful eyes. They'd remind me of what I had to give up but still make work. I felt Eric's hand on my cheek and I couldn't help it. A tear fell and he wiped it away. "Baby, please, don't cry. I don't want to make you cry." He told me as he kissed the spot on my cheek where he wiped the tear.

I opened my eyes and looked into those eyes that seem to sparkle whenever they look into mine. Or maybe it's just the reflection of my eyes that I see. "I'm sorry and don't worry about me. I'll be okay." I promised to him even when I didn't know how I was going to keep that promise.

"Even if I'm not physically here, I'll be with you and like you said, this will be good for us, to strenghten what we have." He told me as he cupped my face in his hands and pulled me for another kiss that makes my whole body burn.

"You will miss your flight." I whispered in his ear once we pulled away.

Eric only nodded and took my hand in his. After taking his luggage, we started walking towards the entrance. Eric checked in and he still had half an hour before he had to board. As he did everything needed, he never let go of me. Even if he was just holding my hand or hugging me to him, he was always next to me. The final call for his flight was ten minutes later and this was where we had to completely pull apart. "Text me when you get back to school. I'll probably be still up in the sky but I'll reply as soon as I land." He told me.

"I will." I love you. "Have a nice flight." I said instead. If I thought leaving his house for school was hard, seeing him boarding the plane was worse. Way worse. He gave a final goodbye kiss, followed by a peck on my forehead. His lips lasted a few seconds on my forehead but they were enough for me to feel reassured that this was going to work and that we could make it. He didn't say anything else and he didn't have to. That simple kiss on my forehead said more than anything he could've said.

The next few seconds happened in a rush. Eric went through the metal detectors and after blowing me a kiss, he disappeared. He was gone now. I stared at the spot I last saw him for a couple of minutes and decided that it should be better to leave inmediately.

I got into my car as fast as I could and started driving. I don't know what I was running away from. It's not like it'd made a difference. Eric was already on the plane and even if there was something I could do, it would be selfish of me.

As I kept driving, I heard the distinctive sound of a plane. I looked up and saw the plane leaving. There he goes. "Bye, baby." I whispered into the air the nickname that Eric didn't seem to realise he gave me.

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