Sixty Eight

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Sixty Eight


Jace Michael Smith passed away peacefully in his sleep.

Eric hasn't stopped crying and neither has any of us. He hasn't let go off me either. His hold on me was tight just like mine to him when nurses and doctors came rushing to the room after hearing Eric's screams. After that, everything was a blur. Or maybe not. Everything was passing by and we weren't able to move along with it. We were stuck in place while they were checking on Jace.


He's... gone.

Just like that he is gone and we are still here.


I love you...

He was preparing to go. He knew it was time so he said goodbye. He saw it coming... He felt it coming...

Jace Michael Smith is another angel God claimed back too soon.

"He was..." Eric began in between sobs. "He was saying goodbye."

Sobs were threatening to come out so I nodded although he couldn't see me. I kept running my fingers through his hair in a soothing manner as he laid his head on my lap. It's was the only way that was keeping us as calm as  we could. "He was." I said.

"Eric?" Maggie called him from next to us. She was rubbing her eyes.

Eric sat up and wiped his eyes. "Come here, cutie."

Maggie went immediately at his call. She sat on his lap as he hugged her to him. "What happened?" She asked innocently, making Eric swallow hard so he wouldn't sob.

"Listen, sweetie, you remember what Jace told you?" He asked her. Maggie nodded her little head. "Well, he had to... leave already." A few tears escaped Eric's eyes. I wanted to wipe them for him but Maggie did it.

"Why are you crying?" His little sister asked him. "He must be with God already so he must be happy now." She reasoned.

Eric looked at me in surprise and back to her. "I know." He said and looked down. "I will miss him."

Maggie made him look at her again. "You don't have to miss him. He's still with us. He's taking care of us right now." She said.

I smiled at how well she was taking the death of her brother. I'm not quite sure if she understands it already but she is taking it better than I would've expected. "Maggie, why don't we try to cheer Eric up?" I asked her, making her nod instantly. "I'll kiss this cheek while you kiss the other one, deal?" I gestured Eric's cheeks. She nodded again. "Ready?" She nodded once again. "One, two, three." Just as I finished saying three, Maggie and I kissed Eric's cheeks.

He chuckled when we pulled apart. "Are you feeling better?" Maggie asked him.

Eric wiped a single tear that managed to escape. "I do. Thank you, girls." He told us and gave us a kiss back to each one on the cheek.

I offered him a smile and wrapped an arm around him. I don't know if I should be doing that or not but I wasn't trying to get back with him or anything. It all felt natural and I wasn't going to give it a second thought. We are just being supportive to each other.

"Hey, sweetie. How are you holding up?" My dad asked me as I hugged the life out of him. My parents just arrived and I came to pick them up to the airport. They left everything and flew here after I called to tell them that Jace passed away.

"He's gone." I sobbed into his shirt. Slowly it kept sinking to my mind and I was feeling worse and worse. The reality that I won't see him ever again is sipping into me and I want it to stop.

My dad gave his suitcase to Daniel so he could hug and comfort me properly. "But he isn't suffering anymore, sweetie." He reassured me.

"I know." I sobbed. "But he should have been able to heal. To be happy."

My dad didn't say anything. We all knew that Jace deserved everything good that could happen to him. It's so unfair that he had to be sick and that he had to leave this world. Why do bad things happen to good people?

He should be graduating with me. He should be playing my husband or looking for the right person. But he is gone. Just like that. Gone.

"Jace wouldn't be happy if he sees you cry. Do you think that's what Jace wants? Don't you think he's upset with himself because he hurt you, everybody?" My mom rethorically asked me. "It wasn't easy for him and he didn't want you to suffer but it wasn't his choice."

"Mom's right, Zoe. He didn't leave because he wanted. There was nothing he could have done to prevent it. It was bound to happen when the tumor wasn't able to be removed." Daniel told me.

I said nothing else. I knew everything they were telling me. Jace knew. Eric knew. His family knew and mine too. I just didn't want to accept it. Jace didn't deserve to be sick. And I won't ever stop saying that.

"Zoe, wake up." I heard someone from besides me. "Zoe."

I opened my eyes and groaned at sunset light. "What?"

"We arrived." My mom told me. They would be staying at a hotel so they can attend the funeral that will be held tomorrow. The Smiths decided to do it right away so it wouldn't hurt as much. I don't know what's better. To catch a break or just do it now like taking off a band aid. Either way it wasn't my place to decide. They asked for my opinion because I'm Jace's wife but I didn't want to intrude. They are the ones to decide. Not me.

"Okay." I told her and got out of Daniel's truck. My dad wrapped his arm around my shoulders while I rubbed my red and swollen eyes.

"Everything is going to be okay." He whispered in my ear as we walked. "I promise."

"You really think so, don't you?" I asked.

"I know it will. You don't see it now but things will turn up for the best." He said.

I nodded. I have no words left to say. I just hope he's right. I hope everything ends up being okay.

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