Twenty Six

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Twenty Six


I woke up by the rumbling in my stomach, I was extremely hungry. I tried sitting up and realised that this wasn't Maggie's room. I was in Jace's room but not on his bed. What happened? The kitchen incident, that's what happened. Everything came to me in a rush and I looked at my left hand wrapped in gauze.

'Happy Birthday' I remember hearing those words as they were said against my lips before I fell sleep. Did Jace kissed me? No, he wouldn't unless it hadn't been Jace but Eric. The asshole thinks he can keep kissing me whenever he wants and then give me the cold shoulder.

I felt my eyes tearing up again. I felt completely used and angry at myself for letting him do that over and over just because his kisses felt good but that's what he does. He used his charm and skills to seduce women and then leave without a second thought.

"Hey, you woke up." I heard the devil himself say from outside the doorway.

I prepared myself to look at him. As much as he broke my heart yesterday, I didn't need to let him know how much his kisses and his cold shoulder affected me. "Yeah." I whispered to him.

I looked at him and I felt my heart beating faster. He looked like he had a good night sleep, like he was pleased with himself because I was another woman to his list. The only different about his appearence were his eyes, they looked troubled, guilty and apologetic. Maybe because he had to keep seeing me until I left or because I was Jace's friend. "I saved you some breakfast. You haven't eaten and it's past noon." He informed me. His voice almost sounded sincere, as if he worried about me.

I nodded at him and stood up. "Thanks." I simply said and walked past him, trying not to look at him again. I heard his footsteps behind me but I decided to ignore him. I stepped into the kitchen and saw a plate on the bar with the food I cooked before my incident.

I started eating quickly so I could get away from him. "Would you like some juice or maybe milk?" He asked me kindly.

I scoffed in my mind. "Don't worry. I'll do it." I told him in a cold tone.

He seemed taken aback because of my voice. "Listen, what happened yesterday was-" He started but I interrupted him.

"A mistake." I knew what he was going to say so I just completed his sentence. I wanted him to know that we were in the same page.

"Not to me." He told me as he walked closer to me. His eyes never left mine and look determined.

My heart started beating faster at his words but I ignored him and my heart. "Whatever." I said at last. I picked up my plate and went to the sink to wash it.

Eric's eyes were on me, following my every movement but I didn't dare look at him. Once I was done washing my dishes, he spoke again. "Can we at least talk about it?"

He was pleading me with his eyes and I almost gave in. "There's nothing to talk about. We kissed, big deal." I snapped. "I won't tell Jace if that's what you are worrying about." I added, remembering when he told me he didn't want Jace to know about our 'date'.

"Can you please listen to what I have to say?" He kept begging me, a desperate look on his eyes that made my stomach churn.

I looked down. Should I listen to what he has to say? That's the least I can do and then I can go my way because whatever he has to say, I already know about. Eric's shoes came to my line of vision and then, his hand made its way to my chin, lifting it up to make my eyes meet his. I thought he'd start talking but he didn't. Instead he brought his lips, fast enough for me to not react fast at his action.

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