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This is not the way I wanted Zoe to find out about my past lovers. If whatever Zoe and I had was to go somewhere, I wanted to tell her how I used to be. I would've wanted to do that but now, as I saw her retraiting form, I want more than anything to take her in my arms and explain to her that Rose means nothing to me but a massive headache.

My mom's never been fond of Rose even when her parents and mine are close friends so I have no idea why she let her in. I mean, I do know why, to be friendly. She wasn't just going to tell her she wasn't welcomed.

I asked Rose to have a walk with me so I could tell her for the millionth time to leave me alone but like always, she tried making me understand that we are in love or something like that. After a few minutes of convincing her that I wasn't interested in any woman at all or any commitment, she seemed to get it.

At the end, she asked me for a hug goodbye. As long as she was gone, I would've done almost anything. The only problem was that Zoe decided to turn my way at the exact time Rose hugged me. I wanted to explain her with my eyes that I didn't want to be in this position but it pained me to see her face, it was mostly blank but I could sense despair somewhere on her beautiful brown eyes.

I walked Rose out, it took a long time to ger her to leave but eventually she did. I walked back inside and couldn't find anyone until I stepped into the kitchen where Jace was, Zoe nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, sorry about the interruption." I told him.

"Don't worry about it." He said while motioning with his hand that there was no problem. "Anyways, we're going out for dinner to celebrate Zoe's birthday thursday. She doesn't know. I mean, she knows will go out but she thinks it will be just Daniel, me and her. She wanted something small but Maggie wanted to celebrate her so all of us are going if you want to go."

"Zoe's birthday?" I repeated what Jace said.

He nodded. "Yeah, on the twenty seventh. Anyways, tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment. Dad's going to take me and mom will probably take Maggie and Zoe somewhere." He said and I mentally cheered, I could ask Zoe out tomorrow so I can clear things with her and, like I said before, so I can get to know her better.

"Check up?" I asked him, referring to the his visit to his doctor. He nodded. "Is Zoe staying until you both go back to college?" I asked and hoped I didn't sound rude or like I didn't want her in my house anymore.

"Yeah, she couldn't go to his parents because she has to be back sooner at school so I just invited her." He asked and eyed me with suspicion. "You don't... like her?"

Like her? I think it was love at first sight... I almost blurted out but contained myself. My eyes widen at his question though. "No, I do. I mean she's great. She's really simple and intelligent." I finished, biting my tongue from saying more things about her, like the way her hair frames her face beautifully, or the way her smile brights up her entire face.

"Yeah, she is. I wish I could fall in love with her, you know. I hope she gets to fall in love with someone as great as she is." Jace said, his tone completely serious. I felt slightly jealous at his confession but I have no right to be.

Maybe it's love at first sight but I barely know her so I can't get possesive with her even when I felt a tug at my heart.

"Well, I'm going to take a nap so we'll talk later." I said as I got up from the stool I was sitting on.

When I got upstairs, I saw Maggie standing in front of the closet in the hallway. "What are you doing, shorty?" I asked her as I crouched down so I could look into her eyes.

She was pouting which made me chuckle and then, receive a glare. "Zoe is sleeping but she's shivering so I wanted to bring her a blanket." She explained. "Can you get me one of those big blankets on top?" She asked while pointing to the top shelf were the thick blankets were.

"Sure." I told her and reached for one. "Come on, I'll help you bring it." I said and she nodded. I felt bad for wanting to see a sleeping Zoe and I realised I was stalking her. I just hope I don't go to hell for this.

I followed Maggie into her room and sure enough, Zoe was curled up with a thin blanket covering her body. Her soft brown hair spread on the pillow, a slight pout on her lips and her breath steady. I put the blanket on her and she seemed to stop shivering as much.


"What are you doing here?"

For a moment, I froze but sighed in relief when I recognized my mom's voice which, actually, made me freeze again.

Thankfully, Maggie saved me. "Zoe was shivering so I asked Eric to put a blanket on her." She said.

"Oh, okay. Maggie can you help me with dinner?" My mom said in a weird tone which made me look at her. She was eyeing me weirdly and I fell like a kid caught with a hand on the cookie jar.

"Okay, I'll ask dad what he wants to eat." Maggie said and she was gone.

"So how was Rose?" My mom asked, or rather teased. She knows how annoyed I am.

"Did I do something wrong? Was what I did evil of me?" I asked my mom, referring to the many times I've been with women but not looking for something serious like commitment.

"I don't think so, darling. Listen, I wish you had found love or at least an interest in a woman but you didn't do anything wrong. You told that women what you were looking for and they agreed. They can't come back and be mad at you when they agreed so no, I don't think you are evil." My mom said in all seriousness. "Dinner will be ready in an hour probably." She said and went downstairs.

I sighed and leaned on the door frame. I still feel like a creep by watching Zoe sleep but I couldn't help it when she looks as beautiful when she sleeps as when she's awake with those brown eyes looking at me.

I decided to take her out on a date, not hanging out but a date. I just hope she agrees to go...

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