Twenty Eight

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Twenty Eight


To say I was shocked was an understandment. Eric spoke so seriously and determined that made my insides feel fuzzy. He really wasn't giving up. After he said that he would explain himself and then leaving it up to me to decide whether I wanted him to leave me alone or not.

I think I already knew what my answer was going to be but the least I can do is let him explain like he wants to, after all, I let him kiss me over and over even when I knew I shouldn't have.

It wasn't long when Mrs. Smith called us for supper. Maggie and her friend Amy were eating on the television room so it was the brothers, their parents and me at the table. I sat across Eric and next to Jace. I thought that being in the same room with Eric would be awkward but after his promise upstairs, I was a bit more relaxed.

Jace proposed me to go for a walk before going out for dinner. We walked until we reached a small park. There was an ice cream pushtruck and Jace dragged me to it. He paid for both our ice creams, claiming that as it was my birthday, I should be spoiled. I didn't complain.

We sat on a bench near a tree big enough to provide us with shade. We didn't talk for a while until Jace started speaking. "You know how you told me not to buy you any presents?" He asked me rethorically.

I rolled my eyes. I knew where this was going. "Yeah but did you listen for once?" I asked him.

"I always listen." He defended. "I just decide to ignore you." He whispered the last sentence.

I scoffed. "Ugh, I hate you." I muttered, making him chuckle.

"You love me." He said and leant to give me a kiss on the side of my head. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Anyways, I got you one." He said in a rush. He pulled out a small black velvet box and put it on my lap.

I groaned, making him chuckle. "I'm going to get you back for this." I promised. I took a deep breath and open the lid. Inside there was a beautiful gold necklace nestled on the small box. A tiny gold angel's wing was hanging off the necklace. I gasped at the beauty of it, it was incredibly gorgeous. I took it off from the box and hold it in front of my eyes to keep looking at it. "Would you help me?" I asked Jace who seemed to be nervous about what my reaction was going to be.

He seemed to relax at my question and nodded. "I didn't know what to get you and then I remembered how you always tell me that I'm an angel," He began as he moved slightly to my back to clasp the necklace. "So I figured, why not give her something that will remind her of me? I've been looking for this for a long time and I found it. Now with it, I promise you that even when I'm gone, I'll be your guardian angel and I will always be with you." He finished his promise and I couldn't keep the tears from falling. I turned around and buried my face on his chest as I cried.

Life was not fair for the people thag love Jace. I knew that once he'd be gone, he'll be at peace and not hurting. That's what keeps me positive about his illness. He won't suffer and he'll be going to a better place. I guess God needs his angel back because that's what Jace is: an angel. He's good and innocent and pure. Life hasn't been able to taint him and I hope it won't.

Jace rubbed my back and whispered sweet nothings in my ear until I calmed down. Then, I pulled away and looked at him. "Thank you, Jace. For this necklace," I told him as I took the pendant in between my fingers. "For being my friend but most importantly, thank you for letting me into your life. I'll be forever grateful with God for this opportunity. Friends like you are not easy to find." I finished. Jace looked in the verge of tears and one managed to escape. I bent forward and wiped it away with my finger. "We should get going. It's getting late and I'm going to need another shower." I told him to ease the moment. Today was supposed to be a happy day and so far, it's been full with crying and emotions.

Jace chuckled and stood up. Then, offered me his hand and left the park. His arm securely around my shoulders throughout our walk to his house.

When we arrived, I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. Jace and I were supposed to leave at seven so we could arrive at seven thirty for our reservations. When we left the house I didn't see Eric or the rest of his family actually but I didn't think too much out of it. As we arrived, I realised why I didn't see the them, they were waiting for us at the restaurant. I felt a smile making an appeareance. I was excited I could spend my birthday with amazing people like Jace's family.

Daniel and Carla congratulated me for my birthday and gave me and envelope which Daniel said was my birthday present. Opening it, I saw two gift cards for my favorite clothing store. Jace's parents and siblings congratulated me and gave me presents as well. Mr. and Mrs. Smith gave me three tickets for an Ed Sheeran's concert which would be for Jace, Daniel and me; and Maggie gave me a beautiful black purse.

I can say that this was one of the best birthdays ever and that had only been the beggining.

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