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Hi, I would really like to know if there are people reading this story or is it just me writing it for myself? I would like to know if it's good or if I should just stop writing.

Thank you and I'm sorry for the mistakes.

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I saw Zoe inmediately blush the same way I was at hearing Maggie, who was by the doorway with the biggest grin I've ever seen.

"Can I go with you guys or is it one of those dates where you want to be alone?" Maggie suggested which made my jaw drop and I saw Zoe with wide eyes while blushing more, if it was even possible.

I rubbed the back of my neck, not knowing what to say or do. I wanted it to be a date but I barely knew Zoe so I wasn't sure how she would've reacted with that word. Plus, I still wasn't sure if she and Jace could have something going on, even if it was unknown to them. I wanted to know more about her that it made me wonder what was happening to me.

Zoe scruched down to be on Maggie's level and put a piece of hair behind her little ear. "Sweetie, this isn't a date," She started explaining and after hearing her say it wasn't a date, it saddened me for a reason. I guess I actually wanted it to be a date with her but she didn't see it like that. "...we'll be just going for some ice cream for everybody so you can come if you want to, we can ask Jace as well." Zoe prompted which made Maggie squeal in approval.

"Would you like some pancakes?" I asked Maggie, trying to swallow the knot in my throat at hearing my plans shatter in front of me.

"You made pancakes?" She asked me, looking at me suspicionally.

"Zoe made them but first go wash your hands." I told her and she ran off to the bathroom.

I didn't want to look at Zoe, it made me feel stupid for some reason. Maybe she didn't want me and just agreed to go with me because of what happened yesterday.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my back which made me stiffen but the touch was warm and comforting. "I'm sorry, Eric. I panicked so I just said what came to my mind but I'll make it up to you, alright?" She rambled on which made me smile at her.

I turned to look at her and before I realised what I was doing, I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. She just woke up but her hair looked settled and soft. I saw her suck on a breath and slightly stiffen at my action but now that I realised what I did, I don't regret it and I guess she didn't mind that much for she didn't back off from me as I left my hand on her hair, barely touching it.

"Don't worry, and I'll let you make it up, say tomorrow?" I asked her while searching her face, she had really beautiful eyes and her gaze was soft, innocent.

"Yeah, that'll be-" She couldn't finish when Maggie gasped. We both turned around and I wish we didn't or at least, I wished I had removed my hand earlier. My dad was standing by the doorway with a smirk on his face and a shocked Maggie on his arms.

"Are you okay, Zoe?" She asked which made turn to look at Zoe with a confused look that matched mine.

"Uh, yeah." Zoe said with a blush on her cheeks and I noticed that she was trying to avoid looking at my dad.

"Then why was your hand next to her face?" I was expecting Maggie to ask that too but it surprised me that it was my dad asking that on a teasing tone.

"I... I had some flour on my hair and he was taking it off." She said and I smiled on my head. She was really fast and improvising, it wasn't always convenient but she had an answer to almost anything. She, then, proceeded to take the tray that she was preparing which I thought would be for her but her next words really made me feel stupid for thinking that later she'd go out on a date with me. "I'll bring this to Jace." She said and rushed out of the kitchen.

I spaced out but I could feel my dad moving around and putting Maggie on a stool with a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of her. "Don't worry, they bet on who got a higher grade and she lost so she had to bring him breakfast." My dad spoke on a low voice from next to me as he put pancakes on his plate.

"I... I..." I didn't know what to say, I was speechless knowing that my dad felt like there was something going on between me and Zoe.

"If you are trying to make a move on Zoe, I suggest you let know Jace about it. He wouldn't like you to go behind his back with one of his best friends and this is from me, I know you've changed but you used to have a reputation, I wouldn't like Zoe to be hurt. She's a good girl and Jace would hate you if that happened." My dad said.

I knew that could happen, especially, since I don't know if Zoe could like me. I would never hurt her intentionally though but on the other side, I didn't want to tell anything to Jace in case he liked Zoe.

"Do you know if Jace and Zoe may like each other?" I decided to ask and maybe, my dad knew something that may help me make my decision.

"Don't worry. Nothing but a great friendship."

Lost Love - CompleteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ