Forty Two

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Forty Two


Thinking of Eric before going to sleep allowed me to fall into a restless night of sleep. I kept waking up almost every hour. At one point, I got up from my bed and took out the shirt that Eric gave me in hopes of falling asleep with his scent filling the air. It worked but for the last two hours of sleep before I needed to get up for class.

I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and was going to call Eric when I remembered that he's probably asleep until I saw a new message from him. It was sent at five in the morning which I was concerned about. Why would he text me so early?

I opened the text and a smile made its way to my face. He probably woke up and decided to sent me one before going back to sleep.

'Good morning, beautiful. Have a great day. Call me at anytime.

-Eric x'

Even though it was almost seven in the morning, I decided to call him. I just hope I don't make him mad for waking him up becuase I really need to hear his voice. I dialed and waited anxiously for him to pick up.


I tried calling him one last time. If he doesn't pick up, I'll call him later or send him a text, telling him to call me when he gets the chance. I was about to give up when someone answered and it wasn't Eric.

"Hello?" It was a female. I looked at the screen to check if I had called the right number and it was. It read Eric and in the background was a picture of the two of us, he put it himself. "Hello?" The female asked again.

"Yeah, hi. Is this Eric's number?" I asked stupidly. Of course it was but I still had to make sure.

"Yes, it is. He's sleeping right now. Do you want me to take a message?" She asked.

"Excuse me, who is this?" I asked her. I was getting angrier by the second. At what or who, I wasn't sure at the moment but who is this woman answering his phone and how does she know he is sleeping right now. This better not be what I'm thinking it is.

"Oh, I'm Mindy, a friend of his. Who are you?" Something told me this Mindy girl wasn't just a friend of Eric.

"I'm Zoe, his girlfriend." I told her and made sure to emphazise that Eric is taken or was taken. I need to talk to him but first I needed to calm down. "...and may I know why you're there?" I asked her in the nicest way I could think of. I don't want her to think that I'm a possesive or clingy girlfriend.

"He asked me to help him out with something." She said. I felt paralized at her words. What if he cheated on me? I really trusted him, I did. He made me believe that we could pull this off and that he wanted to be with me. "I'll tell him you called. Now if you excuse me, I told him I'd be back with him." She said and hung up.

Was he lying to me? What did I ever do to him to make him play me? Was I just a challenge to him? Why would he keep this going if he had already been in my pants?

"Zoe, are you okay?" I heard someone ask me. I felt movement from around me but I couldn't focus on that. My mind was a whirlpool of emotions and questions. "Why are you crying?" I heard another question but I couldn't move, I felt numb. Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms bringing me closer to someone who I recognized as Angie. "What happened?" She asked again.

"Eric, he..." I trailed off. I don't even know what to say about him. Do I let him explain or should I just assume he cheated on me. We've been already through this. I assumed and was wrong, he proved me wrong but this seemed worse than before. He's not here with me to explain himself, he's away and I won't ever know the truth about it. This time there won't be Jace or Hailey to inform me or reassure me. "I think he cheated on me." I simply stated.

"What?!" Angie pulled away from me and asked in a really angry tone. Angie is the type of person that is really protective of the people she cares about. "What the fuck, Zoe? Are you serious?" She asked exasperated but didn't wait for my answer. "How can he do something like that. You told him about your insecurities and he used them against you. Why would he be such an asshole? And to think he's Jace's brother. The complete opposite! Don't worry, Zoe, I'll make him pay." She promised me and went back to hugging me in comfort.

"Don't do anything, please. I'll talk to him and end it. I can't have Jace knowing about this. I need to do this on my own this time. Thank you though." I reassured her. I'll talk to him and he better have a good reason as to why this Mindy girl answered his phone to start off with.

Angie sighed. "I understand but you better believe that I'm ready to make him pay." She told me in a serious tone.

"I know that. I better shower now if I don't want to be late for class." I said in a lighter tone, hoping to ease the tension in the room.

"Personally, I don't think he'd cheat on you, Zoe. He seemed in love with you." Angie said in a quiet tone which made my head snap in her direction.

"What?" I stuttered.

"I'm not defending him. I just can't find a reason for him to cheat on you. He looked like a love sick puppy whenever he looked at you and that was ninety nine percent of the time. It seemed as if he took his eyes off of you, you'd disappear..." She explained. I was even more confused than before. Angie never sugar coats anything. She's always told the truth, even if it hurt you. She'd rather see you hurt now, knowing the truth than living a lie and getting more hurt later.

"We'll see." I told her before going into the bathroom and shutting the door behind me. I stripped of my clothes and got into the shower. I don't want to believe he cheated on me but everything was confusing. He sent me the text this morning, telling to call him at any time. Was this some sort of sick joke? He told me to call him at any time just so this Mindy could answer me and tell me he was sleeping and telling me that he'd told her to go back to him.

I got out of the shower angry. Now I wasn't just hurt but angry too. Even if this was a misunderstanding, why was that girl at his apartment? His apartment! His shirt was laying on the floor and it made me break down again. I grabbed it as I cried. Please, let me be wrong about him, please.

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