Forty Three

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Forty Three


My dreams were filled with Zoe and I didn't want to wake up until I remembered what happened earlier today. I sat up straight and went to the door of my apartment where I had a small table where I always put my keys on and sometimes my phone.

I quickly grabbed it and checked for any texts from Zoe but there were none and then I remembered that someone called me earlier when Mindy was here and she said that she'd bring it to me which she didn't. Fuck! What if Mindy answered and it was Zoe? I quickly checked for any calls and what I didn't want to happen, happened. There was a missed call from Zoe and an answered one from her as well. Inmediately, I called my girlfriend but she didn't answer. I texted her and no answer either and then's when I remember that she may be in class at this hour.

I paced and paced my apartment with my phone tight in my hold in case my girlfriend called back. She did after almost an hour of pacing and after probably fifty calls from me. "Hey, baby. I need to tell you something but you need to listen to what I have to say, please." I begged her. I was scared that Mindy had told her that something happened in between us to make Zoe break up with me.

"I already spoke with Mindy." She told me in a really cold tone that scared me. So I was right, Mindy fed her lies that obviously Zoe thought were true.

"I know but-" I told her but it was a bad move.

"You know?" She asked incredulously. "We should've broken up-"

I interrupted her. "No! No because it's not what it looks like. I-" I was cut off by a third person.

"Hey, Eric. I took the liberty of bringing you- Oh, oops." Mindy said and I could've killed her in the spot. She had an evil glint to her eyes. All I could think about is who gave her the right to barge into my home without permission whatsoever but the answer was clear on her face. She knew who was on the other side of the phone. She was doing this on purpose.

"Call me when you're not busy with Mindy." Zoe said.

"No, Zoe!" I yelled into the phone but she had hung up already.

"Did I interrupt something?" Mindy asked in an innocent tone.

"Yes, you did. Who the fuck gave you the right to answer my phone and to come in without my permission?!" I screamed at her. She looked at a loss of words but I was seeing red. At this point, I didn't care if she was scared of me. She brought trouble, unnecessary trouble to my relationship or the relationship I had. I don't know what I'm going to do for Zoe to believe me but pray. "Answer me! You have no idea of how much I want to hurt you right now. Why did you have to do this? Why, Mindy?!" I ordered her to answer me.

"I didn't tell her anything. She just assumed whatever. Why do you care so much? You've never been in a relationship, you just want one thing from women and then you leave them." Mindy explained and it was getting harder to restrain myself from hitting her.

"I leave because they agreed to just have sex with me, just like you but you're so thick that you agree without really thinking about it because you think I'll fall for you when I only regret being with you and for your information I love Zoe, she's not just any girl. Now get the fuck out of my house!" I roared almost.

Mindy whimpered and left in a rush. I started pacing again to calm myself down as I called and called Zoe but she never answered. I left her voice mails, explaining what happened but she wouldn't call back. Please, baby, let me explain. I'd never cheat on you or anyone else.

"Fuck!" I yelled. Just when everything was going the right way for us.

Damn you, Mindy!

I stayed the rest of the day in my apartment doing nothing but waiting for Zoe to answer me or call me back. I barely ate but it was okay, I wasn't in the mood for anything that wasn't Zoe. She took my heart and broke it but I did something worse. I broke her heart by accepting Mindy's help when I thought it was genuine. I should've stopped her but I didn't and now, I lost her.

That night I wasn't able to sleep either. My phone remained in my hand the entire time just waiting for her. Today was the day to go back to work and that was the last thing I wanted to do. I got ready and drank as much coffee as I could to keep me awake.

I almost crashed twice due to the lack of sleep and of my mind being always on Zoe. At last, I made it to my office and got to work inmediately just to keep me in place until I could talk to Zoe. I put my phone within reach just in case she decided to let me explain. I couldn't blame her though. I'd probably feel the same and I felt the same when her friend, Robbie, answered her door which made me feel like a douche bag for thinking she'd do something like that.

"Hey, Eric. Welcome back." My boss greeted me. He was a nice man that believed in me when I had just graduated. Mr. Coleman was almost seventy and had grandchildren already. He thought of me as a son.

"Hey, Mr. Coleman. How's the Mrs.?" I asked him.

"Good, the opposite to the looks of you." He said and I almost groaned. "What happened?" He asked as he took a seat in front of my desk. I was about to tell him that I was fine but he gave me a look that said 'don't you dare disobey me'. I told him what happened ever since the day I met Zoe to yesterday when Mindy decided to ruin my chances with the girl I love. "So you really love her?" My boss wondered.

"Yeah. Do you think I'm rushing into this? After all, this is my first relationship but I don't want to believe that because no other woman has made me feel what I feel when I'm with her." I wondered.

"Listen, Eric. Love is like death. You don't decide when you will die or tell yourself that you won't die. It just happens. No one said that you had to wait three months or three years to fall in love. I don't believe in love at first sight. There is attraction at first sight but not love. You felt attracted to her and you got to know her better that's why you love her. No one can decide on your feelings and now, get over there and get your girlfriend back." He finished and I was left atonished. I would've never expected my boss to tell me something like that.

"I just came back. I'd like to do that more than anything but I need to work." I explained.

"I don't care. Fix this so you can bring her to meet me but do come back as soon as you can." He teased me and I felt a little bit better.

My boss left right away but I was left speechless. This man is a second father to me and I'm grateful for it. He's been there always for me and now it was my opportunity to make things right and fix this mess I got myself into.

I'll fight for us, Zoe, I promise.

I'm not completely happy with the way I wrote this chapter. If you agree with me, tell me and I'll do my best to rewrite it.

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