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I added an image to Chapter 67 in case you want to check it out.



I hate those kind of people that don't respect what someone is going through. Who does she think she is to come and tell me that it will be hard to raise a non existant baby? I was extremely mad when she said that but I couldn't handle it and broke down. To say something like that at Jace's funeral was just evil and very much disrespectful.

Eric kept comforting me which I was really grateful but to have heard Rose accuse me of being pregnant made me recoil back from my ex boyfriend.

If Rose found out, and I have no idea how she did, more people may know as well. Jace wanted our marriage to be private and apparently it wasn't. He didn't even tell Eric or our friends. I shouldn't be accepting Eric's comfort when we shared a lot in the past. I don't want people to think that I'm disrespecting Jace.

I pulled apart from the warmth Eric was providing me, both physical and emotional. "I'm sorry." I apologized and left him before he could say anything.

"Zoe." Mrs. Smith called me. "I'm so sorry for Rose's behaviour." She looked at me with sad eyes.

"Don't worry. It's not your fault." It really wasn't her fault. I've heard that Rose's parents were good friends with the Smiths and were good people but Rose had been the exception apparently.

Mrs. Smth nodded. "Listen, Zoe. We'll head to the house now. We decided to have a barbecue in honor of Jace. You know how he loved those." She chuckled slightly. "We'll have it at three so bring your parents, okay?"

I nodded and she bid me goodbye with a kiss on my cheek and a hug. I went to look for my parents and avoided looking for Eric. Part of me feels bad because I shouldn't have to hide myself from him when I should comfort him as well but I'm afraid of what I can do if I'm with him.

I did escape Eric but somebody else stopped me. "Zoe?"

I turned around and saw Mr. Coleman with his wife approaching me. "Hi." I said and hugged them both.

"How are you, sweetie?" Mrs. Coleman asked me.

I sort of shrugged my shoulders. I didn't want to be sad for Jace but I couldn't help it. "It hurts but he would hate me if he saw me like this so I'll be okay, hopefully." I told them truthfully.

"How are things with Eric?" Mr. Coleman asked me after a pause.

I froze at his question. I'm not sure if he know what happened after we last saw him but just remembering what Eric and I used to have pains me a lot. "We are not together anymore." I simply said. It still hurts to know that I had to break his heart for my stupidity.

"Has he let you explain?" He wondered, taking me aback. "Listen, Zoe, I know I don't have a say on your life but that kid, just like you, are like family to me. Anybody can see that you two are heartbroken but there's something holding you up from being happy together." He explained.

"There is something that won't let us be together again." I comfirmed. "I married his brother."

Both Mr. and Mrs. Coleman looked shocked at my relevation. "You what?" Mrs. Coleman took me in her arms and rubbed my back in a soothing manner.

"I had promised Jace that if he couldn't find anyone to marry, I would. It was in his bucket list but then I met Eric and I fell in love and forgot about my promise." I said. "I didn't tell him because I didn't want him to think that I was playing him but he still thinks that because I wasn't upfront about it."

"I know you didn't play me." A voice from behind me paralized me. It was more than obvious that it was Eric but my mind was hoping it could've been somebody else but him.

"To Jace!"

If Jace was seeing us, I bet he would have the biggest smile on his face. Among the many things that he asked for us to do for when he was to be absent it was to have family and friends get togethers. To go to the beach and play and swim. To go on trips and experience new things. To not be sad without him. But he must've been crazy if he thinks we'll be able to smile. At least not when it's too soon.

His family and friends chorused our toast for him but that was it. There was small chatter here and there but we were mainly thoughtful as we ate.

Maggie was the one to reprimend us and made us play all together so after we ate, we went to the beach and divide up ourselves into two teams to play volleyball. We tried to do our best at playing but everybody wasn't really in the mood even when Maggie reasoned that Jace was going to be really upset if we were sad over him.

I was incredibly tired after a few minutes into playing so I went to sit a little far away from the game. "Hi, Zoe." Hailey said from next to me and sat down.

"Hey, Hailey." I offered her a smile. "You tired?"

She yawned at my question. "Yeah." We soflty chuckled. "How are you? I mean besides the obvious."

"I don't know." I whispered. "I feel numb mostly besides being overall sad."

Hailey put her arm around my shoulders and hugged me to her. "Just remember that Jace wouldn't want you to feel sad." She said. "He'd want you to be happy again." Tiny tears fell from my eyes at her words. I still can't believe how she and Eric never got together. She's sweet and real and honest. Any guy would be lucky to have her and if she and him ever decided to get together, although it would be the hardest thing to see Eric in love with someone else, I'd be completely supportive of them. "I'm sorry, Zoe. It wasn't my intention to make you cry." She apologized as she rubbed my arm.

I shook my head at her words. "No, Hailey, it's not that. I know you're right but it's really unfair that he had to leave us." I explained.

"And then you can also remember that he isn't suffering anymore. He's in a better place. He's probably happy that he isn't suffering." She reasoned. I nodded, she'e completely right. "I'm not telling you to be the happiest person now but try to think it from Jace's perspective." She advised.

I wiped my tears and turned to look at her. "That bar guy is really lucky to have you." I voiced my thoughts.

Hailey looked down and blushed. "We are not together anymore." She whispered.

"What? Why not?" I wondered, shocked.

"The spark was gone. We really had nothing to talk about after the third date." She shrugged.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Damn, I should keep my mouth shut.

"It's okay. There was nothing to lose with him."

I nodded and didn't speak for a bit. "There will always be more guys." She didn't say anything. "Like Eric." I decided to risk saying that. Hailey looked at me like I had lost my mind. "You guys get along great and you're awesome. He is too and he needs someone like you..." Before I was finished, Hailey was shaking her head furiously.

"You're kidding, right?" She kept shaking her head like there was something of her she couldn't take off. "You need to get back together. The perfect person for Eric is you, Zoe. You." She remarked.

I shook my head just like she had previously done. "No." I admitted what I wish was a lie. "Seriously, you and him would be so good together."

Hailey put a hand on my forehead as if checking if I had temperature. "Did you hit your head?" I chuckled at her little outburst. This is what's great about her. "Zoe, you can't be serious. You and Eric are meant to be together. Are you going to let him slip from you?"

"I have to."

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