Sixty One

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If you can, follow foxmeetsbear on Instagram. They are relationship and family goals. I thought of them as I wrote the end this chapter.

Sixty One


I couldn't get up from my bed. Since I arrived to this moment, I've been copped everyday in my room. I never thought that losing Zoe would make me so sad but here I was. Almost calling her everyday. Pondering whether or not to delete every photo and every message she sent me.

Even if I tried, I couldn't get her off my mind. Since my boss told me that I was wrong for believing that Zoe had cheated on me, I couldn't stop thinking of reasons for her to lie at me. Why would she let me believe that?

If she didn't cheat, then what happened to her to lie to me that way?

Why couldn't she just come to me and tell me what's troubling her?

It had to be something big to have her break up with me and I'm going to find out.

It's been over a month that I came here and now that the whole moving is arranged, I have to go back. On one side, I want to go back and be with Jace. On the other side, I'll most probably be seeing Zoe again and I don't know if I want to.

I feel bad because I thought my boss' words over and over and the more I thought about that, I realize that he's right. I never gave Zoe the chance to deny what I asked her or let her explain.

I hope that I'm not late when I go back. I want to save our relationship if it can be saved.

"Hey, Eric." I heard someone from behind me. Turning around I saw it was Mindy.

"Hey, Mindy." I said but didn't make any moves to greet her properly. Although she apologized, I couldn't bring myself to be best buddies with her.

"When are you leaving?" She asked me.

I shrugged. "Tomorrow maybe, I don't know." I told her.

She nodded at my response. "Are you going to ask Zoe to move in with you?"

I felt my heart stop at her words. I didn't think of that when my boss first told me the news and now that won't happen at all. It would've been awesome to have that happen but there are so many mixed emotions in me that the only thing I can feel is sadness. "I don't think so..." I trailed off.

"Why's that?" Mindy asked. I looked at her briefly and I was sort of expecting her to look cheerful at hearing I no longer have a girlfriend. But she didn't. She just looked baffled at the news.

I sighed. "She broke up with me." I told her and turned back to seeing the moving guys putting my stuff inside the truck.

"You're kidding, right?" She scoffed. "That's weird. She seemed-"

"No." I cut her off. "And I know what you're going to say. That she seemed so in love with me and that she couldn't have cheated on me."

"She cheated on you?" She asked, shocked.

I don't know.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I realized that I had said that out loud when she asked. "How are you so sure? Did she tell you?"


"Then?" She wondered as she stepped in front of me.

"Why do you care, Mindy? Weren't you so obsessed in breaking us up?" I almost yelled at her. She winced and stepped back while looking down. "I'm sorry. I'm just tired of people telling me the same thing. I don't know what to believe and Zoe won't talk to me." I explained and sat on a near bench.

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