Seventy Eight

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Seventy Eight


"Let's get you to bed." Eric told me. We've spent the past hour in silence, looking at the night sky with all the stars on full display. We'd look at each other for a few seconds before turning back and look at the moon too.

"No..." I yawned. "I want to stay with you."

"I want that too." He said. "Why don't we stay here for the night?"

"Seriously?" I asked him, getting excited about being with him some more time. "What about Hailey?"

"What about her?" He asked me.

"She invited me to stay over." I told him.

"She won't mind if you stay here with me." He said.

"Can I ask you something?" He nodded. "I don't want this to turn into a fight but it kind of... occurred to me."

"Tell me." He chuckled.

"I just realized that you've been..." I swallowed. Should I say it or is it way too stupid to be thinking this?

"I've been what?" He chuckled again.

"Intimate..." I mumbled. "With Hailey." I let out.

"What?" He looked puzzled. "Oh, I... Well, yes, I've been but it didn't mean anything, I swear. We are just friends and if I could go back in time, I would've never done that. With anyone. If I could, I would've stayed virgin so I could have saved myself to you. I know it sounds cheesy and stupid but you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love you so much and please, don't think about that again because I have only eyes for you-" I interrupted Eric. He looks so cute when he rambles but I need to let him know that it's alright.

"Shh, it's okay. I didn't say it so you could apologize or to make you uncomfortable. I just remembered that after I talked to Hailey."

Eric was blushing profudesly. "Still. Oh, God, this is embarrassing." He said and put his hands over his eyes.

I chuckled and took his hands in mine. "It's not, relax. Why don't we go to bed?" I suggested.

He nodded and we directed ourselves to the lobby to rent a room before going to Eric's car for his duffle bag. I didn't have any spare clothes with me so he offered me to wear a shirt he had.

We went to say goodbye to Violet and Robbie before heading upstairs. They were excited to see us back together and well, I think I was even more excited. And happy.

Once in our room, we headed directly to the bedroom hand in hand and smiling like fools to each other. And it felt amazing and normal. There wasn't anything awkward or uncomfortable about being together again. Not even nervous. Just giddy and I love it.

We closed the door and Eric took his jacket off, leaving him with his suit vest. I could eat him. He looked so handsome and to know he's mine is making my stomach flutter with a million butterflies. "What?" He chuckled once he saw that I was checking him out.

"Nothing." I simply said and started taking off my dress. Eric was already watching me and it would've made me embarrassed to undress in front of him but it felt normal.

Once my dress was on the floor and I was left topless, he walked up to me and took my hands, holding me at arms lenght. "You are so beautiful." He said as he looked me up and down, not in a perverted way. He was looking at me with love shining in his eyes.

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