Seventy Six

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Seventy Six


Has he really moved on? Why am I asking me this? Isn't this what I wanted? For him to forget about me and be happy again? I do want that but why did it have to be with Rose? She's not a good person but that's his choice to make. As long as he's happy, I'll be okay.

But then why did Hailey and Daniel tell me that he was miserable without me? Why did they convinced me of getting back together if he was already moving on? Maybe they misread him and they were just trying to do something nice for me.

"Are you feeling better?" Alex asked me.

I nodded my head at him. "A little." I lied.

I wasn't feeling any better. Even if Eric was moving on, he looked like hell. He was looking and maybe feeling like me. Sleep depraved and with newly found eating disorders. He looks thinner and paler. There's big bags under his eyes and they looked tired.

"When you talked to me about him, I pictured him differently." Alex said.

"How so?" I wondered.

"Well," He started. "You spoke of him like he was this juvial guy. A lot like Jace but to be honest, he looks broken. I would've never expected Jace's brother to look like Eric did yesterday."

I was speechless but he was right. Eric has never looked the way he looked like last night. Not even when Jace died. That time he looked sad but not so broken and tired. "He was a juvial guy." I admitted.

"What are you going to do now?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll attend the wedding and then we'll go back home." I said. There was nothing left to do with Eric. He's moving on and even if I let myself to love him again, I won't do anything about it. I decided to set him free and now I have to deal with him loving another woman and being happy again.

"No, no." Alex shook his head. "I mean, what will you do about Eric?"

"Nothing." I said. Daniel appeared at the coffee shop Alex and I headed when I ran from Hailey's bar. His knuckles were red and his clothes were wrinkled.  "What happened to you?" I asked him.

"Listen, Zoe, what you saw isn't what it looked like." He said, not answering my question.

"What are you talking about?"

"Eric was being dragged by that Rose girl." He rushed out. "He wasn't leaving with her, he was too drunk and she used that to her advantage."

Oh, he was talking about what just happened. "How do you know that?"

"He explained everything after I punched him." My brother admitted.

"You punched him again?" I asked.

"That doesn't matter, go on with the story." Alex interrupted me.

"That's it. He was drunk and Rose was taking him with her. That's when he saw you." He said. "He still loves you. That hasn't changed and I don't think it will ever change. You have to talk to him."

My mind was spinning uncontrollably. He really still loves me? Everything that happened was a misunderstanding?

"She's smiling, look at that!" Alex said from behind me.

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