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I kept running my hands through my hair. I should've knocked but my mom always made a fuzz about locking doors when Maggie came along so she wouldn't run in to Jace or me that I just took the handle and opened the door. I needed to apologize to Zoe, tell her that we were used to just walk in if the door wasn't locked.

I was tempted to wait for her and properly apologize but I didn't even want to look at her eyes without being embarrassed for what I did. I decided to just leave and talk to her.

Damn it! I feel so stupid remembering her face blushed and her hands trying to cover herself that wasn't even helpful, I got to see her almost topless. I really don't want to remember how she looked but I can't help it. She's one of those girls that are beautiful without even trying and now, that I've seen more of her, she is beyond stunning.

She normally has this aura of beauty that magnifies whenever she smiles but had been able to see her raw, vulnerable, even when I didn't mean to, draw me to her more. Her skin looked creamy and soft and I could still feel the itch to reach and caress her. I'll probably dream of her tonight because I can't stop thinking about her.

I sighed and decided that I'll apologize tomorrow. I didn't want to make her more embarrassed and uncomfortable than she already was but I wanted so bad to apologize to her at this very moment and try to make her feel better.

Jace was already sleeping on his bed so I just walked in quickly and turned off the lights. I made my way towards mine and laid there, expecting to fall asleep but it didn't come easy. My mind kept running with different scenerios of things that could go wrong when I see her tomorrow.

What if she decides to leave after what happened? I heard her after she left the bathroom and walked in to Maggie's and silence after that. It has probably been a few hours since that last sound so she, maybe, wasn't thinking of leaving or I would've heard noises but there was nothing.

Another thought entered my mind. What if she hates me and tells Jace about it? Jace will seriously be pissed off.

Ugh... This thoughts are going to be the death of me. No, wait, Zoe is going to be the death of me.

That's how I spent all night, tossing and turning and the reminder of Zoe kept playing like a broken record on my mind but at some point I fell asleep but it felt like a couple of minutes when I heard shuffling from outside and I decided to see what was going on, seeing I was already wide awake.

I got up from bed and threw a shirt on me before, quietly, leaving the room, looking back to see if Jace was still sleep. I stepped outside and heard the sound of the fridge being opened so I started making my way downstairs.

More sounds came from the kitchen and when I reached it, I saw Zoe taking out ingredients for what I suppose was breakfast. I stood on the doorway, looking like a creep while looking at her. She looked so... free. I really don't know how to explain how she looks right now. She looks natural while moving around the kitchen, getting stuff for the pancakes she might be doing.

She was wearing pajama bottoms and a shirt that was a little too big on her, it looked like a man's shirt which made me frown unknowingly. Who's shirt is that?

"Are you okay?" I heard which made me slightly jump and snap my head towards Zoe who was standing a few feet from me.

I rubbed the back of my neck as I felt my cheeks redden. "Uhm, yes. Sorry, I couldn't sleep all night so now I'm spacing out." I said, slightly embarrassed for what I did last night and remembering how she looked almost topless. I really sound like a creep.

"Don't worry. Do you want any coffee?" She said, not looking directly at me.

"Uh, yeah but don't worry, I can make it myself." I told her, still not moving from where I stood.

Finally, she looked at me with those brown eyes of hers. "It's already made. It'll be ready soon." She told me and turned to the stove but I couldn't look away from, my mind was busy taking the sight of her in the morning, she just seemed to shine brighter than the sun as cheesy as that sounds.

I snapped out of it when the coffee machine beeped, making me take my eyes from Zoe. She took a cup and poured some coffee in it and put it in front of me. She, then, brought sugar and cream and placed it next to my cup. "So what are you doing up so early?" I asked her, trying to distract myself from looking and thinking of her so much.

"I'm used to waking up early." She said and shrugged. "Are you a morning riser or like to sleep in?" She asked me as she went back to the stove.

"I like to sleep in, I hate waking up early but I still have to do that." I said and drank some of my coffee. She didn't say anything after that but simply nodded and after a few seconds, I asked her something that was, just slightly, bothering me. "So you are an Ed Sheeran fan?" Not because I didn't like Ed Sheeran but because I wanted to know if her shirt was a man's.

She turned to look at me with a confused look upon her face. I nodded at her shirt and she looked down. "Yeah, it was Daniel's but he put it on the dryer so it doesn't fit him well anymore."

"Daniel's?" I asked. Were they together or are they? But that can't be, Jace said that he has a girlfriend.

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