Twenty Two

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I'll try my best to finish this story and when I do, I'll go back and edit it and add more context and stuff.

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Not edited.

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Twenty Two


Jace left for his doctor's appointment so I'll, probably, be seeing him again until supper.

After breakfast, I took a shower and got ready for my supposed date with Eric. I don't think this date will be a success, specially when part of it will be at the supermarket but I guess that's better than nothing.

We left after Eric got ready. He looked as if something was bothering him. What if he regrets asking me out?

He hasn't said a word since we left his house and it's starting to make me anxious and hearing the drumming of his fingers against the steering wheel was not helping calm down my nerves.

"So..." He began once we stepped into the supermarket. Eric was strolling the cart as I walked next to him. "What do we need to make the cookies?" He asked and my head whipped to his direction.

"You know how to cook?" I asked him. I had to be honest, I was a little shocked that he wanted to cook with me and didn't ask me what I needed to make the cookies.

He smirked and that action was enough to make my heart skip a beat. I have to admit, he's already really handsome but him smirking was another story. "What? I don't look like the type to know how to cook?" He asked and I blushed, embarrassed that I had asked him that question.

"You do. I... it's just..." I stammered with his intense gaze, I couldn't formulate a sentence.

"You look cute when you blush, you know that?" He said, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

I blushed even more if it was possible. "Uh, we need chocolate chips and maybe cranberries?" I asked him but avoided looking at him anymore.

He chuckled. "Lead the way." He said and followed me around through the aisles.

We made small talk as we walked, basically getting to know each other like we had promised to. Well, more like I was getting to know him. Jace has told him a lot about me so he was just confirming with me.

"Eric?" Someone asked from behind us while picking out snacks for a supposed movie later.

Both of us turned around at the same time. A few feet away, there was a short girl with light brown hair and green eyes. She looked really cute but had a sex appeal to her still.

"Hailey, hi." Eric said to her and I suddenly felt like I didn't belong here. He reached to her and hugged her, greeting each other and then, stepped back and directed his gaze to me. "Hailey, this is Zoe. Zoe, Hailey, an old friend."

An old friend? Seriously? He's had sex with her and she's just a friend? I mentally shook my thoughts out of my head. Whatever Eric does is none of my business, I shouldn't get mad about anything that involves him.

"Hi, nice too meet you." Hailey told me and hugged me to her. The perfume that stuck to Eric this morning was even stronger on her.

"Nice to meet you, too." I told her and felt awkward. "I'll go for some ice-cream. Nice meeting you, again." I told Hailey and took the shopping cart and left.

I wanted to cry so much right now, I really don't know what's gotten to me. Why am I feeling like this? I'm sad, mad and even jealous. I shouldn't feel like this. Eric hasn't given me reasons to make me think he likes me so I need to stop feeling something when there's nothing to be feeling.

Suddenly, I hear Eric calling out for me. "Zoe! Wait!" I took a deep breathe and tried to void my face from any emotion. I turned around and saw him standing a few feet away from me.

"I'll be around here. You can keep talking to your friend Hailey." I said, emphazasing the word 'friend' by accident, making me mind slap myself. Eric will think that I have a problem with her or him and he'll think I like him and that I'm jealous and he'll freak out because some girl likes him and he's not the commitment type of guy so he'll run for the hills and-

"Zoe?" I faintly heard Eric. I looked up to him and saw that he was inches away from me. My breath caught in my throat and my eyes widen. When did he got this close to me? "Are you okay?" He asked, confusing me. "Do you feel sick? You look really pale." He stated.

"I'm fine, really. Like I said, you can talk to Hailey while I-" Eric took my face in his hands, making me look at him. I was about to complain but I was cut off by Eric's lips. I was in shock for a few seconds before I realised how good his lips felt against mine and started kissing him back.

He tasted of mint and weirdly of chocolate too. I've never been a fan of mint and chocolate together, it's like chewing mint gum and then drink soda or orange juice but Eric somehow pulled it off and I never wanted this to end.

I don't want him to pull away because he regrets it or because I'm not an experienced kisser like him with all the women he's been with but in that moment it looked like nothing mattered because in that moment I wasn't kissing Jace's brother nor I was kissing him in the middle of an isle in the supermarket. In that moment I wasn't kissing a player who wanted no commitment and had a lot of persistent women behind him. In that moment I was only kissing Eric, the man that I find myself being attracted to after a couple of days of knowing him.

My mind was trying to make me understand that this was wrong but I couldn't stop when it felt so right. So we continued until I pulled away to catch my breath. Eric rested his forehead on mine, his eyes were closes and a faint smile played on his lips, making me smile as well at the thought of him not regretting it but do I regret it?

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