Thirty Six

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Thirty Six


As soon as I saw Eric, I felt like my mind was playing tricks on me. How is he here? Did he seriously came all the way here just to see me?

"And who may you be?" My friend, Violet, asked Eric. I turned to look at her and saw her arching her brow at him.

"Uh, Eric." He replied and blushed. He looks really cute blushing and being nervous.

Violet stepped closer to him and offered him her hand. If Robbie wasn't her boyfriend, I'd probably get jealous.  "Well, I'm Violet and this is my boyfriend, Robbie." She introduced her and Robbie.

I saw Eric sigh in relief. Did he think Robbie was here for me? The thought made me happy and sad at the same time. Happy because he could be jealous of Robbie and sad to think that he might've thought I had forgotten about him so soon. "Nice to meet you." Eric said and shook Robbie's hand as well.

"We better get going. Nice meeting you, Eric." Robbie said and offered him his hand as well. He turned to me. "Bye, Zoe." He said and grabbed Violet's hand who waved us goodbye and left.

Eric looked at me and I felt myself blushing. Suddenly, he moved his hand that was behind his back and a bouquet of flowers appeared which really shocked me. "What's this for?" I asked as I accepted them and touched the petals.

"Every girl deserves getting flowers as beautiful as her." He told her and I felt my blush deepen. "In other words, beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl."

I chuckled and grabbed his hand before pulling him into my room and shutting the door just in case Jace or Daniel could come back. "They are beautiful, thank you." I told him.

Eric stood in place, just looking at me as I looked in between at him and the flowers. They were beautiful pink and purple dahlias and it's the first time I've received flowers from a guy that weren't roses. I loved roses but a lot of people just give them out because they are the most sold and don't put a lot of thought in them. "You really like them?" He asked and I saw he was nervous again.

I nodded and went to look for a vase that my roommate and I have. I took it and put some water in it before putting the flowers without the paper and arrange them. I was almost done when Eric put his warm hands on my waist and his chin on my shoulder. "How did you pick them up?" I asked him. I was really curious to know why he chose dahlias and how he even decided to bring flowers.

Eric turned me around once the flowers were in place and carried me so I could wrap my legs around his waist. He took the vase with the flowers and walked further into my room. He stopped when we reached the beds and I saw him look in between both before he walked over to mine and putting the flowers on my nightstand. After, Eric laid me on my bed before getting in top of me and kissing my nose. "I couldn't decide on which flowers and then I saw those and I couldn't decide on the color and the flower lady told me to get you both colors so here I am." He explained and I couldn't stop giggling.

I smiled at him. "I missed you." I told him. I probably shouldn't be telling him how much I miss him. I don't want to push him away but his response is to say it back.

"I missed you, too." He told me and proceded to kiss me. "So much." He completed in between kisses. "I felt incomplete when you left and decided to surprise you while I still can." He whispered the last parts.

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