Fifty Seven

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Thoughts and prayers go to Paris, Beirut, Japan, Baghdad and every other part of the world that has faced danger.

Fifty Seven


I saw my girlfriend leave the hospital. She's so beautiful but it hurts me that she's hurting. I wanted to ask her what was up with her but it was never the right time.

Her kiss was enough to help me cope with the current situation though.

I went back to Jace and saw him staring at nothing in particular. He seemed deep in thought and didn't notice me entering the room. "If you were in my position and you get to have something you wished your entire life, would you go for it or let it slip?" Jace suddenly asked.

I thought it over for a few seconds before answering. "I'd go for it so if you get it, don't waste time." I told him sincerely. Jace deserves everything good that can still happen to him.

"Okay." He simply answered but had a small, weak smile on his face.

"Go to sleep." I told him. "You're tired. It's been a long day."

Jace nodded but was already falling asleep. He looks like a kid again in a way. Reminds me of when I taught him to ride a bike or when he learned to swim. He wanted to look like a big boy but he was nervous. He always told me that he didn't want me to be disappointed on him. I told him that it was okay to be scared of new things. It was a human reaction and ever since, we would go on adventures.

He's always been calm. Instead of panicking and getting mad, he would always think of a way to solve something or get out of things. I don't think I've ever seen my brother mad or angry. Maybe a little upset about him having to stay in a hospital. He hasn't said anything else but I'm sure he's trying to think rationally. I'll talk to my parents and his doctor to see if there's any chance that he can at least spend the rest of his days at home.

It's weird how things can change in the blink of an eye. Jace seemed normal. If you saw him before today, you'd never think that he suffers from cancer. He always sees the best in things. He never considered his illness as a punishement whatsoever. He accepted it and decided to keep living his life. He wasn't going to let his illness define him or let him change his life.

Have you ever felt like you do things but have no conscience about doing them?

That happened to me around five in the morning when I heard Jace screaming for me.

"Eric! Get me the can!" Jace yelled.

I was up and running for it even before he finished talking. The second I got it to him, he vomited uncontrollably. It happened so fast that I realized I was awake with Jace vomiting next to me until he laid back, holding his head. I went outside and called for a nurse, then went back inside to check on Jace. It all felt like a blur, the nurses coming seconds later, me standing still in the background while everyone else was rushing.

"Was that part of his cancer too?" I asked the doctor once the nurses left and Jace was stable again and sleeping.

"Yes. He'll throw up and won't even feel nauseous. This is part of the reason he's better at a hospital. He needs to be monitorized. If he doesn't get the appropriate attention, that could be it." The doctor explained. I felt hopeless when he said that Jace should be supervised by professionals. His chances of going back home aren't big anymore.

Lost Love - CompleteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora