Thirty Three

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Thirty Three


A week later...

I've had the time of my life with Zoe. I don't know if it's too soon to feel something stronger for her but I feel like it won't take long or be too hard for me to do so and for the first time in my life, I find it exciting. I've never liked when girls get clingy or want to trap me when we'd made it clear that whatever we did would be a one time only.

Zoe and I finally decided that we wouldn't tell Jace about us. We weren't sure if what we have could continue after she was gone for college and I to my job. That's why I couldn't ask her to be my girlfriend. I didn't want to complicate things more than they already were but we settled for continuing what we had going on because it was so much fun for the both of us.

Every night, she and I would sneak to the basement but decided not to use the bed for our activites. Instead, we'd use the bathroom so it didn't seemed suspicious to be washing bed sheets every day. I thought Zoe would not like the idea but she told me she had been thinking the same thing.

I still felt bad that as much as I tried to make her feel good and wanted, we were still doing this quick and in uncomfortable places. I wanted to give her good nights with a big bed full of rose petals and take care of her to ensure she was content and comfortable but she told me that it didn't matter because she felt being taken care of and wanted. When I heard her, I felt proud of myself for making her happy in more ways than one.

This was the last night of her being with me. Tomorrow she'd be leaving with Jace back for college and I couldn't help but feel sad at the thought. I knew and felt like it was too soon to feel the four lettered word but I didn't know how else to explain what Zoe made me feel. I just want to keep exploring her mind and to feel all of her next to me. I feel the need to hold her close and tight to me or else she'll disappear.

"What are you thinking about?" I heard her sweet and soft voice.

I held her tighter on insctint and kissed her forehead. "About how I don't want you to go." I whispered my fear.

Zoe snuggled closer to me and kissed my chest. "I don't want to leave either." She admitted. "I wish we could have more time. Two weeks with you weren't enough but a week was enough to not want to leave you." She told me. My heart started fluttering at her words. How in the world does this beautiful girl want me? She could have anyone, she could've fallen in love with Jace and yet she wanted to be with me. Me, even when she knows I was a ladies man.

I had no more words. I couldn't exactly beg her to stay, beg her to be with me but I really wanted to. I wanted to tell her that I fell in love with her since the first moment I saw her but I don't want to push her away. It's too soon to tell her that I love her but I need to keep quiet. This was already hard for the both of us and I didn't know if this was to last but God, do I want to. I want to wake up next to her and have breakfast with her and chase her around the house and hold her hand when I'm reading and make love to her every night but most importantly, I wanted her to love me half as much as I love her.

"Don't think anymore." She whispered and looked up at me. I bent down to kiss her sinful lips, hoping she'd know how much she means to me without scaring her. She responded just as eager as I was kissing her and I prayed that she felt the same way as me. Then, I showed her how much I wanted and needed her and I wish I could've shown her all night long but I needed her to rest as well. She fell asleep in my arms after we finished and I decided that just for this night, I'd sleep next to her. I stood up from the bed that we decided to use one last time and carried her to the guest room.

Everything seemed so silent that I was afraid of stepping on the floor in case I woke anybody up. I entered the room and closed the door, making sure it was locked and then, proceded to lay Zoe on the bed. She clutched at me and begged me not to leave her and I calmed her down after promising to her that I was just going to turn off the lights. When I did, I laid on the bed and brought her closer to me. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I kept thinking of tomorrow and I didn't want her to go, I don't want to let her go.

It was past five when I needed to use the bathroom. I slipped out of the bed and room, hoping I wouldn't wake her or someone else up but when I returned to the room, Zoe was on a sitting position, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. "What are you doing up?" I asked her as soon as I was close to her.

"I thought you had left." She told me nerviously.

I slipped in the bed once again and held her close. "I went to the bathroom." I explained and I felt her nod. She started trailing her finger down my arm and up my chest until she stopped which made me look at her and realise that she had fallen asleep once again. "You are so beautiful." I whispered to her even knowing that she couldn't hear me. I looked at her like a creep for another hour until sleep caught up to me.

"Daddy, look!" I heard a sweet girl's voice call out. Is Maggie calling for my dad? Where is he and where is Maggie? Where am I? I turned around and saw a house with white paint and bricks all over the place. "Daddy, come! Mommy and I made cookies!" The same voice squealed and then's when I saw her.

A girl no more of five years of age was standing on the doorway of the house wearing a pink and flour covered apron around her neck and waist. Her chocolate brown hair was made into a ponytail and was covered in flour as well. She had a glint to her eyes and she was almost bouncing on the spot. I made my way to her with a smile attached to my lips and as soon as I was within reach, she took my hand and pulled me inside the house.

Is this beautiful little girl seriously my daughter?

She continued dragging me until we stepped into a big kitchen with an island dividing the kitchen and a smaller space where a table for four sat. The girl came to a stop and started speaking again. "Mommy, daddy's here and he wants cookies." She said and my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest when I saw who the girl's mother was.


"Hey, how was work?" She asked with love shining on her eyes but I couldn't answer her when my eyes settled on her stomach. A baby bump that seemed too big on her was underneath a long dress. "The babies start kicking everytime you're near." She told me and I realised that I had been staring for too long. My hand made her way to her stomach and I felt the kicks on my hand.

I looked up at her and kissed her but stopped when I heard the little girl again. "Ew, mommy, boys have cooties." She said, making me and Zoe laugh.

"Zoe?" I heard someone call her along with a knock. I turned around, searching for the voice but no one was there. I turned back around to Zoe and she was gone and my little girl was gone as well.

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