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I was stunned by Eric once again. One minute I want to stay away from him and the next, I found myself being pulled towards him and the thing was that I don't know whether I like it or not.

Eric makes me feel out of control, somehow he manages to keep me drawn to him and it's not like I don't want to because he's easy to get along with but I feel conscious under his gaze. Like he knows something I don't know about me.

After the shock of being hugged by my best friend's brother, I came to the conclusion that it felt really nice being in his arms so naturally, I decided to wrap my arms around him.

We've been hugging for a minute tops when I heard Jace calling for Eric and soon enough, we heard his footsteps.

I froze and inmediately, stepped away from him. I don't know why I did it, it's not like we were doing something wrong.

"Eric?" Jace asked, at the top of the stairs.

"Uhm, yeah." Eric said, claring his throat as he stepped out of Maggie's room.

I turned around and walked up to where Maggie was, trying to wake her up. I shook her slightly, making her stirr a little. Soon, her eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw me.

"Hey cutie, it's time for dinner." I told her and she nodded while rubbing her eyes. I went to the chair close to her door where Eric had left it and I heard his voice along with Jace's.

"Sorry, I distracted Zoe. I, uhm, was apologizing for my surprise, you know, when you made her call me." I heard Eric saying.

"Yeah, it's okay. I decided to come, knowing that Maggie won't let go of her." Jace said and I sighed in relief.

Relief of what, I don't know but it was a relief indeed.

I went back to Maggie and helped her with her jacket. I carried her and turned off the lights before stepping out of the room.

"Let me." Eric came in to my line of vision with Jace behind him.

"I'll carry this." Jace said, taking Eric's jacket so he could help me carry Maggie.

She didn't fight Eric and put her little arms around his neck as he brought her downstairs. "Thanks." I told him, he just nodded.

When we got downstairs, I told Eric to let Maggie watch some television before letting her go outside, let her fully wake up while we stepped outside and help their parents with the food. There were burgers, hot dogs, and chicken, enough for the six of us.

When Jace first told me to spend Christmas with him and his family after he found out that I was going to be by myself, I tried to turn him down but he had none of that. It wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. His family is really welcoming and ever since Jace and I became friends, he insisted I meet his family but this is the first time I was able to spend the holidays with him.

I told him I didn't want to intrude but apparently, his family loves me and they don't mind having me around which was great because his family is beautiful and united and even though I have Daniel and we are close, it's not the same. Especially, when our parents have made us move a lot so we never were stable.

Mrs. Smith and I were setting the final touches for the table when she told me to get Maggie and once I did, I sat her next to me like she wanted. Eric took a seat in front of me and Jace next to him, their parents at the ends of the table.

We ate and talked and even if I wasn't a part of their family, they made me feel like it and important. I had the feeling that it'd be awkward with Eric after our hug but he's really easy going.

Half an hour before midnight, everybody helped with the dishes and bring everything back in the kitchen. Mr. Smith started the bonfire and me and Jace brought the marshmallows, chocolate and cookies along with hot chocolate.

We sat by the bonfire, Maggie was in between my legs with Jace and Eric on my sides. Mr. Smith started telling scary stories that made Maggie clutch at me like her life depended on it. In the middle of one, she got up and went to sit with Eric.

"We tell her not to stay for the scary stories but she still wants that and every time, she ends up with Eric because her big brother will protect all of us." Jace whispered after sitting closer to me. I nodded and looked over at them, Eric was holding her and she had her face buried on his chest.

I must've been looking at them for a long time because Eric turned at me. We looked at each other and he smiled which made me smile in return.

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