Chaper One

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 Hey guys! Comment if you have any critique or comments! The next chapter will be up soon!


Chapter One

Los Angeles, California

Present Day

“Ryanne, hurry up! Your going to be late!”

Rolling my eyes, I quickly washed the brown dye out of my hair.

“I'm coming, Dad! Give me ten!” I shouted back, leaning over the sink. Quickly, I snatched my brush and combed through my hair, then blow dried it until it was somewhat damp. I threw off my pajamas and put on a yellow tank top along with white shorts. Sliding on my flip flops, I grabbed my Juicy Couture perfume, sprayed, and ran out of my room.

Then stopped.

With a sigh, I sprinted back in, and I made my way into my bathroom again and sorted through the cabinets. Grabbing the blue container, I walked back over to the counter and opened the blue box. Inside were my green colored contacts.

Leaning into the mirror, I scowled at my reflection. After reorganizing my frizzy hair, I then popped in my contacts to disguise the sliced black pupils. Blinking a couple times to get them to stay in place, I was ready to go.

Bringing my freshly died brown hair to the front, I made my way down the stairs, only to run into my one and only big-pain-in-the-butt older brother. His brown hair was spiked up and his green eyes were filled with excitement.

The aura around his head was blue (good intentions) and a little bit of purple (tired). Huh. That's a first. He had on a plaid shirt, jeans, and denim colored converse.

I snorted. “Lovin' the new shirt, Mason.”

He scowled. “Shut up, Ryanne.”

I jabbed a finger at his chest. “I told you, it's Ryder.”

“Kids!” came a voice from downstairs.

“Coming, Dad!” We both said in unison. I cast him a sidelong glance of annoyance and made my way downstairs.

My dad was leaning over the oven, frying some bacon and french toast. The aroma of raw bacon filled the air and I felt my fangs extract. I stifled a frown as I took a seat at the table.

Mason took the seat next to me and automatically said, “Bacon again?”

My dad turned around and looked at his son. His glasses were low on his nose and his dirty blond hair was shiny. There was a little bit of stubble on his chin from the lack of shaving. “Mace, your almost 18. Stop complaining. I made you your french toast and made Rye her bacon. Be mature about it.”

I snickered and Mason shot me a look of annoyance. I rolled my eyes and silently waited for my breakfast.

Moments later the breakfast was ready and everyone dug in.

“Everyone ready for their big day at Brooke Hills Academy?” He said, grinning.

I nodded, not willing to open my mouth, due to it being occupied with bacon.

“I cant believe your already a Junior, Rye!” said my Dad.

I flashed him a smile filled with bits of chewed bacon.

My dad chuckled and Mason shook his head in embarrassment.

He still wasn't done with his lecture, though.

“I know it's gonna be hard being the new kids in the school, but I know you guys are gonna do good, meet new friends...”

I started to zone out as he continued talking. His aura was pure yellow, meaning deep in thought. As I finished off the bacon, my fangs flew back in, returning to normal. I cocked my head, trying to picture Brooke Hills Academy. The large, castle like high school at the edge of town. The many hallways filled with busy jocks, nerds, and the popular kids. Me struggling, trying to get through the crowds. Everyone turning and laughing at me...

My Dad saying my name snapped me out of my mental babbling.

“Well, Ryanne, Mason, you two better get going.”

Mason and I both scattered from the table and headed toward the car.

“I call driving!” I called.

“Nuh-uh. I got the keys, sis.” he laughed, dangling the convertible’s keys in my face.

I stuck my tongue out at him and got in the passengers seat.

I STEPPED INTO HOMEROOM when the bell rung, at exactly 8:24. The teacher, Mr. Gray, walked in behind me. His aura was yellow mixed with blue. He had neat blond hair and dark brown eyes.

“Ah, you must be Ryanne,” He said, sticking out his hand and I shook it. “I'm Mr. Gray. Very nice to meet you. I assume you found this class without any difficulties?”

I nodded and replied, “Yes, and I go by Ryder.”

He clapped his hands together and smiled. “Ah, yes. Why don't you take a seat right there next to Lindsey,” he pointed to an empty seat next to a girl with long, straight dirty blond hair and braces. She had deep blue eyes and she was dressed in a casual sundress with strap sandals. “And once everyone arrives, I'll let you introduce yourself to the class.”

I nodded and headed toward my seat. The girl, Lindsey, turned and smiled at me. “Hi! I'm Lindsey, and you must be the new girl, Ryan?”

 “Ryder,” I corrected her. “Nice to meet you.”

She smiled and motioned someone that just walked in toward us.

He sauntered over, with a smirk on his face.

“Ryder, this is Damien. Damien, this is Ryder. She's new.” The boy standing next to her had black hair and dark green eyes. He had soft features and a slightly bulky built, but only because of all the muscle. I had to admit, he wascute.

I grinned and said, “Nice to meet you,”

He smirked and replied, “I know. I have those effects on the ladies,” Lindsey rolled her eyes at this remark. “And a word of advise for you... Don't walk past the football team while wearing those shorts, if your gettin' my drift.”

“But your on the football team, Dame.” stated Lindsey.

“My point exactly,” laughed Damien.

“Damien, your so---” My voice faltered. I swallowed hard and looked around, scanning the room.

“Ryder, you alright?” Damien asked, face full of concern.

I nodded and my gaze fell to the doorway just as another guy walked in, surrounded by three other boys.

I gestured toward the group and asked, “Who're they?”

Lindsey and Damien both turned to get a look at the group of guys.

It was Lindsey who answered, “The cute red-head one is Rix. The blond next to Rix is Cameron. The one on the other side of Rix is Luke, and of course, the 'leader'---” She air-quoted the word, “of the group, the brunette, is Jace.”

I had to keep my mouth shut from gaping. There's no way I could have mistaken that scent.

That was the scent of a werewolf. Not just one, but four.

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