Resistance [On Hold]

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Welcome to the life of Ryder Smith! Enjoy <3

Next chapter will come soon(:




Chicago, Illinois

January 16th, 2009

Carefully closing the front door of our condo behind me, I made my way down the slippery sidewalk, hoping my sheepskin boots would keep their traction. Never before in my life have I snuck out... and it felt good. After all, it was my birthday. My fifteenth birthday, to be exact.

With a feeling that I could accomplish anything and a smug smile on my face, I sauntered out of view of our condo and made my way toward Bettsies. Of course, I didn't notice the patch of ice at the end of my street and the beginning of the city. With a couple of swears and some super-attractive arm motions, I was down on the ice, grimacing and grasping my right wrist.

The pain was numbing, and not just because of the below zero wind chill---curse Chicago weather. I zipped my gray Columbia jacket higher up and pulled my blue beanie down more. The bitter wind threw itself me and caused my blond hair to get in my face and stick in my strawberry flavored lip gloss.

I stifled an eye roll as I removed the stray strands from my lips and made my way down the street, toward the club. With my wrist still throbbing with pain, I cautiously strolled past the night security guard and headed toward the back door.

His head was tilted down and a baseball cap covered most of his face. The man was dark skinned and undeniably cute, even with most of his face hidden by a Cubs hat. Okay, that was a turn off. Every Chicago-an with good sense knew the good-looking people liked the White Sox.

When I knew I was out of sight of Cubs Hat, I slid my phone out of my skinny jeans and managed to text my best friend, Macy: Where are you?

The wind was gnawing at my fingers, scolding me for taking off my gloves in order to get the phone's touch screen to work.

Seconds later I got her reply: Got held up. B there in 2. Bringin Jet, BTW

This time, I did roll my eyes. Jet was Macy's clingy boyfriend of two weeks.

I walked up the the wall that declared the end of the alley and leaned against it, sliding down it and hugging my knees to my chest, waiting for the celebration of my fifteenth birthday to begin.

“WE REALLY SHOULD GO now, Macy.” I screamed over the pounding music. Jet just walked away to get some drinks, so it was just me and her surrounded by other dancing maniacs on the floor. Macy's orange hair kept sticking to her face and she continuously had to peel the strands off.

Her black spaghetti strap tank-top clung to her body along with her skin-tight jeans. Her eye makeup was heavy but she could easily pull it off.

Her radiant blue eyes shone with amusement, and I'd hate to take that away from her, but it was already easily past midnight. We'd arrived at ten and have been stuck to the dance floor ever since.

She nodded her head and took my forearm, leading me off to the sides.

“Ryder! Before we go, there's someone I want you to meet. Stay here.” With a wink, she took off toward the front doors. I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for her to return.

ResistanceWhere stories live. Discover now