I Guess It Runs In The Family/ Oh Shit Lou P2

Start from the beginning

"I need maccas..." Niall grumbled. I nodded in agreement. I'm so damn hungry! I got of the lounge and grabbed my keys and phone off the coffee table.

"Zayn! Darian! Harry! Me and Lou are getting food want anything!" Niall shouted following me towards the front door.

"NO!" Darian shouted. I herd Zayn mumble something but I just shook it off and made my way out of the hotel room. I could here Niall walking behind me not saying a single word.

"So..." I started as we walked into the elevator.

"You and Eidee... You's together?" He asked hopefully. I scoffed and shook my head furiously.

"Swag masta from Doncaster don't date girl's like her." I snapped. Niall laughed next to me. Irish people!

"Why not?"

"She's... just not my type."

"What is you're type? Chicks who get pregnant with you're kid and don't tell you then fake their death leaving the kid with and then coming back from the grave and kidnaps the kid?"

I glared at him. All these sassy come backs I could use... Ugh stuff it! I'll just let him enjoy everything! Soon the elevator doors opened.

"So... is our plan still in action...?" Niall asked. We started walking towards the back of the hotel. Out back is the best way to go!

"Uh..." i muttered. Wow I don't even know if our plan's still on!

"I think it is." Niall said as we crept outside.

"It's an alright plan..." I muttered truthfully. "But I don't exactly want to "Flirt" with Froebe..."


I started laughing. "My nickname for Phoebe."

"Why do you call her that?" He snapped as we neared my car.

"Cause she's easy." I laughed. "Really easy..."

"You're just saying that!" he snapped as I unlocked the doors. I got in the drivers seat and waited for Niall.

"I'm not just saying it." I stated as Niall got in.

"You love her!"

"Uh... HELL NO!"

I herd Niall snap something under his breath but I just shook my head and started the car. We sat in silence and drove out of the parking lot. HEY! No fans! That is weird!

"SHIT LOU!" Niall yelled. I watched as we almost ran over someone.

"Holy!" I yelled stopping the car.


"I bet it was Darian!" I said opening my door.

"It's probably a crazy fan." Niall said. I swore loudly and got out of the car cursing under my breath.


I turned to see wait EIDEE? running towards me.

"Aren't you supposed to be in hospital!" I snapped. She gulped and looked at the ground.

"Uh... maybe-Wait Phoebe!" She screamed. My eyes widened and turned and looked at The ground. There was Phoebe getting up on her feet. Her brown hair was back, her eyes filled with fear but still as beautiful as ever...

"I WILL KILL YOU BITCH!" Eidee screeched. I looked and saw Killian appearing at the scene. I grabbed her forearm keeping her put. I looked back at Phoebe holding Eidee's arm tightly. She's so weak...

"You okay?" I muttered.

"UGH! Eidee... Louis... I'm fine but I've lost Tellie." Phoebe panted. My eyes widened more. I let go off Eidee and clenched my fists.


"I mean she ran out of the hotel and I can't find her anywhere." Phoebe snapped.

Oh my god...

Who knows where she is...

She could be kidnapped by a weirdo...

Or a rapist...

Or Taylor Swift!


"YOU AINT ONE TO TALK! HIW COULD YOU LET HER GET KIDNAPPED!" She screamed back. I was ready to lung on her and punch the shit out of her. I felt worse then before. Tellie's just out there... Somewhere... In the Netherlands!

I glared at Phoebe. This all her fault... If she hasn't killed herself then I never would've known about Tellie and she would never be somewhere...

"What do we do?" I snapped looking angrily at Phoebe.

"I've looked everywhere close... I have no idea, I was hoping that maybe you had her-"

I cut her off. "You've checked the whole country...?" I paused and thought for a minute. "We've got to tell the lads."

She nodded in agreement.

"Hey Lou!"

I looked and saw Niall walking towards us.

"What are we doing? He asked looking from me to Phoebe to Eidee to Killian.

"Tellie's gone." I snapped. Niall's eyes widened.

"You mean not with Phoebe?" He mused. I nodded.


"How'd you loose her?" I snapped looking at Phoebe.

"I was yelling at Kill and I thought she was asleep-"

"She ran out of the hotel!" Killian interrupted.

"OI!" I snapped. "Phoebe's talking not you murderer."

I looked back at Phoebe awaiting her to continue.

"What Kill said." She said quietly.

I looked to Eidee. "What do we do!"

Shit why did I yell! God i'm stupid sometimes! God

"We look for her..." Eidee mumbled.

"DUH!" I snapped back. Liam! Yeah he'll know what to do!

"Gotta go get Liam!" I shouted heading towards the car.

"Yeah!" Niall yelled following me.

"We gonna team up?" Phoebe sassed. I glared at her. Then the plan formed in my head. It's perfect!

I smirked. "Cause."

I could practically hear Eidee and Niall's jaw's drop.

"Louis what are you doing?" Eidee hissed standing next to me. I smirked in satisfaction.

"I've got a plan." I smirked.

This will end it all.

Little Tomlinson *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now