85. The Primes

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Respected, idolized and feared."

Commanders- Ryan, Chaz, Christian

The Primes- Nathan, Jason, Landon, Damon, Brandon, Cole, Bryan, Aaron, Hunter

 Justin's POV

Leaving Kiera's side reluctantly, Ryan, Chaz and I walk out of Kiera and I's room, softly shutting the door behind us.

"Who are you?" I growl, showing my teeth and pushing the unknown vampire against the wall, Ryan and Chaz already drawing their swords.

"Ple- please Sire, Commanders, we- we were sent to guard the Prince- Princess." One says, struggling to talk against my death grip.

"You, guard my mate? Christian can't possibly be seriously. This is what he sends me? Are you even out of the Academy?" I scoff in disbelief, slowly letting my grip loosen and dropping him back on the ground, Ryan and Chaz also relaxing. I mean seriously, they looked like they were still in the Academy, wide eyed, boyish, over eager to please and prove themselves expressions on their faces and all.

However being that Christian handpicked them as requested, I would trust his judgment. He was after all, one of my best friends and a Prime. Nearly impossible to get into, the Primes were the best of the best, the crown jewel of the Guard. Respected, idolized and feared. They stayed to themselves, trained constantly and were lethal in battle. The only other person more lethal than the Primes was me, after all we had trained, graduated and grew up together.

"All three of us graduated with highest honors a few months ago Sire. I mean, not as high as yours of course-." The onecontinues to ramble, looking and shifting nervously under my intense gaze.

"Enough of the rambling." I finally growl, cutting him off and stepping back a few steps. "You protect her with your life understood? And you just make sure you notify us the moment Kiera stirs, even the slightest. She is not to get up out of bed or strain herself what so ever."

"Yes Sire, of course Sire. As you wish." They all respond, bowing again.

Giving them once last meaningful look, I mutter a few profanities before Ryan, Chaz and I stalk by, the rest of Kiera's Guard following suit.

Pushing open the doors to the training arena, I could already feel the unsettlement and anxiousness of the Guard. No doubt the talk of the earlier incident in the throne room being one of the top discussions along with the rumors of Guardians and the sudden arrival of me and my new very human mate. The current Commanders shifted nervously, probably threatened by the rumors, however true or not true they believe them to be, the rest of the seasoned Guard probably already bored, just hoping they could get back to focusing on training and the Guard rotations, while as usual, the new recruits clustered together eagerly in the corner, relieved that they had a break from the intense, rigorous training and hoping they had a chance to catch sight of me and the rest of the Primes.

"See the swords? Guardian swords. So it's true. I heard the Prince threw a High Council member into a stone pillar for insulting his mate. There they are, the Primes. Wow what I wouldn't do to be as good as them." I hear, whispers erupting and overlapping amongst the Guard and new recruits as we glide easily through the crowd towards the front, Christian falling into step with us.

"Prince Justin-" One of the current Commanders begins, stepping into my vision, only to stop as I hold my hand up, pushing past him to stand in front of the entire Guard, Ryan, Chaz and Christian standing slightly behind me.

"You may have heard that I have appointed new commands. This is true. Effectively immediately, all current Commanders are relieved of their duties." I announce, letting silence reign over the Guard.

"Commanders." I say, gesturing for them to step up beside me.

"Good, now that the formalities are done, Guard training is to be doubled, immediately. Over the next few days Ryan, Chaz and Christian will be overseeing the changes to come." I say with finality.

Turning on my heel as the Guard salutes, I gesture to Ryan, Chaz and Christian to follow, ignoring the stares and whispers of the rest of the Guard as they disperse and talk.

"It's good to see you Justin. It's been a while." Chris says, once we've paused a distance away from the other Guard members, holding his hand out so we can do our hand shake.

"Too long bro." I say, as we chest bump lightly.

"So when can I meet your mate?" Chris asks, smiling easily.

"Soon." I say, shrugging lightly.

"I'll hold you too it." Chris teases, rolling his eyes lightly. Knowing very well that my version of soon wasn't usually soon.

"And you two, hot shot Guardians I see. That's great guys!" Chris cheers, turning to Ryan and Chaz also doing our guy hand shake.

"Thanks Chris." Chaz says, smiling like an idiot at the thought.

"Wow. She must be something special. You'll have to be careful with her, you may have me wanting to be a Guardian too." Chaz teases.

Glaring at him, a low growl slides through my teeth at the thought. Mine. Kiera was mine. It was bad enough I had to share my fucking mate with two fucking Guardians. Three? Haha No fucking way in hell was I going to let that happen.

"Woah JB. It's a joke. Chill." Chris says, noticing all of our defensive expressions.

"Yeah." I say, relaxing my body, letting my fangs retract.

"But seriously, I've never seen you like this. She's good for you." Chris says.

"Yeah she is." I agree, my gaze sliding over to observe the Guard in training.

"There's quite a bit of work to be done." Ryan notes, also observing the Guard.

"Indeed. Have fun with that guys." I tease, punching Ryan lightly in the shoulder.

"Thanks." He says flatly, shooting me a teasing glare.

"Hey I have High Council meetings all this week. I don't skate away that easily." I groan. Ugh. High Council meetings were awful. Though that was partly because I couldn't stand half of them. And since the High Council was convened, it also meant their families were here, which unfortunately meant the Gomez family was here. Selena. Oh joy. She just better stay away from me and my mate.

Chatting a bit more about Guard changes, Landon soon interrupts.

"Sire, Princess Kiera is stirring." Landon says, respectfully bowing.

"Thank you Landon." I say, nodding and dismissing him.

"That's our cue guys." I say, walking off without another word. Because nothing, would ever be more important than her.

Chapter End Notes:

OK i am going to tell you how plays all the primes. Nathan is played by Harry styles, Jason-Paul Wesley, Landon-Kellen Luts, Damon-Ian somerhalder, Brandon-Taylor Lautner, Cole-Joseph Morgan, Bryan-Chris Evans, Aaron-Jackson Rathbone, Hunter-Josiah Hawley


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