79. Rouge Attack

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"They never missed their mark."  

Kiera's POV

*One Week After Hospital*

"Hey Jay can we go in-" I'm about to ask, only to be cut off by Ryan covering my mouth.

"Do you hear that?" Ryan asks, cocking his head slightly to the side, pausing our entire entourage (Guard and Sentinels included). See today was one of Justin's rare free days off, so we were spending it strolling through town, taking in the scenery of the city and area around, touring, seeing sites and enjoying ourselves. It was nice to have a relaxing, stress freeday for once. Justin and the guys were even letting me walk around a bit, a nice break from sitting in a wheelchair all the time and being pushed around.

"Chaz." Ryan says to Chaz, both sharing a glance, communicating in the special "Guard" way that all of the Royal Guard, Justin included, were privy to.

Seeing Chaz nod, their bodies tense more as they look around, expressions calculating, both of them placing a hand on their swords.

And yes, I did just say sword. Only Guardians had those. The rest of the Royal Guard fought hand to hand combat, you know, if something was to come up.

The sword was smaller than you think though; in fact you wouldn't know it was a sword unless you saw a Guardian use it. And even at that most humans couldn't see it, it was spelled with ancient magic or something like that. The guys tried to explain it to me once upon a time, but honestly it was way over my understanding. I just nodded and went along with what they were saying.

Anyways, like I was saying, the sword they carried could split into two and it retracted into itself, and it could also be double sided. Let's just say it was lethal in the right hands. They boys were quite proud of them.

"Kiera! Stay between us!" Ryan suddenly barks out, pushing me further behind him and Chaz suddenly switching into full Guardian mode, their swords zinging at they unsheathe themselves.

And suddenly the sweet, caring lovable guys I was accustom to turned into lethal, killing machines.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!" I scream scrambling backwards as I watch Ryan attack someone, the body dropping in front of me completely beheaded, blood gushing from the blow.

"Baby! Shhh- please baby. Shhh, shhh. Please stop crying. Calm down love. You're shaking like a leaf. I've got you. You're okay. I love you. Everything is going to be okay. You are safe. " Justin coos, wiping the tears from my eyes as he wraps protective arms around my shaking form.

"Bu- but- that- Ryan- they just- what-" I stumble out through my tears, falling speechless, my brain running a million miles a minute as I watch Ryan and Chaz fight relentlessly against the flood of vampire rouges that were suddenly on us. Their moves were like lightening; swift with a quickness in their step, blinding, focused, measured and countered and absolutely deadly. They attacked with lethal, pointed blows, fluidity in their quick footwork and swordsmanship and a strength and agility in hand to hand combat, they never missed their mark. And with that there was a calmness to their temperament, like the calm before the storm before it unleashed its power and might or an assured confidence that they would always win. The boys were a force to be reckoned with. It was a side of them I had never seen before; with their inhuman like growls, dark, blood thirsty, brooding expressions, muscles bunching, poised, coiled and ready for action and working in flawless harmony with each other and their bodies they were as beautiful and captivating to watch as they were terrifying.

"Shhh baby. It's okay. Shhh." Justin sooths, turning me away from the scene to look at him.

"Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I- I'm okay." I mumble, trying to calm down and stop my shaking.

Screaming suddenly, I feel myself be yanked harshly away from Justin.

"Hello Princess-s-s-s." My captor hisses dangerously, making a chill run though me. Disgusting and terrifying.

"Ahhh! Let me go! Ju- Jus- Justin!" I scream, struggling furiously against the person's vice like grip.

"Shu-t-t-t up bitch-h-h." They growl, gripping my neck tightly making me whimper.

"Let. Her. Go." Justin growls dangerously, fangs fully exposed and eyes narrowed already a dark unforgiving black.

"Not-t-t a chanc-c-c-e." The vampire hisses, their grip on my neck tightening making me gasp for air, my kicks and hits getting weaker and more panicked.

"Let her go and you might die quickly." Justin threatens, his eyes glowing a dangerous evil.

"One-e-e mor-r-r-e st-t-t-ep and-d-d she-she's dead." The vampire threatens, his fangs precariously close to my neck as he backs up a few more steps.

"Now, now, now. You-u-u-u know that's-s-s not-t-t what the mas-s-ster wants-s-s. She must-t-t be alive." Another vampire hisses, coming to stand in front of me, smirking evilly.

"Ugh!" I scream furiously, thrashing against the person's hold one me.

"And just what does this master want?" Justin growls, his eyes narrowing even more.

"None of you-r-r-r conc-c-cern Princ-c-ce." The new vampire hisses, turning to face Justin and the guys.

"She's my fucking mate. Of course it concerns me." Justin rages, crouching lower, poised to attack.

"Tsks, tsks, tsk, what did we s-s-say." The vampire hisses tauntingly, pacing back and forth between the guys and me as I feel my vision start to black in and out.

"Jus- Justin! Ry- Ry-an!" I whimper out, tears cascading down my face by now as I continue to struggle fruitlessly, feeling my energy and consciousness slowly drain into nothingness.

"Fuck!" I hear Ryan scream in frustration, his sword teetering in his grip, unsure of how to address this situation.

"You know, you s-s-s-smell abs-s-s-solutely divine-e-e-e." The vampire says, turning to smirk at me.

"Fuck off!" I hiss, using my remaining energy to slap him in the face.

"Wrong move Princess-s-s-s." He hisses, crouching low, his face suddenly closer than I expected, making me shriek as I see a flash of fangs and then literally, all hell broke loose.

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