50. Breaking Point

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"And at that point, I completely and utterly lost it."

Justin's POV

"Where the fuck is my mate!? And why the hell aren't you with her!?" I scream furiously at Ryan and Chaz, chucking whatever I could find handy in my dressing room at their faces. I had just come from my sound check and was supposedly getting ready for my meet and greet, but since I couldn't find Kiera in the catacombs or at the sides of the stage where she usually was I was having a meltdown instead. And what was worse, I found Ryan and Chaz in my dressing room instead of with her. Like the fuck? They were the Guard, they were here to protect her. Nothing else.

But right now I just really needed her to level me out. I was becoming obsessive about her and possessive of her again like before when we weren't bonded. Ever since the fire I've been more uncontrollable, explosive, anxious and on edge. It was partially because of the threat on my mate and partially the nightmares. They were awful; all of it was really. They gave me no peace, no reprieve from the constant worry, panic and fear I felt. It was haunting me even in my waking moments. She was the only one that could make me forget; she was the only one that could chase the darkness away. I needed her. Without her by my side I was spinning out of control, drowning in myself; I was lost.

And fuck, I really needed her right now. I needed her all the time. I needed her love, her calming touch and smell, her body next to mine. Everything about her I needed. She was the air I breathed, the dreams I dreamed and the only reason I lived. I didn't want my vampire side to get out of control. It was dangerous for her. I didn't want to hurt her again. I would be able to live with myself if I did. But I couldn't control it; I couldn't help it. I was a monster and I knew it.

"Your highness, Prince- " Ryan stutters out, ducking quickly as I throw something else at him, narrowly missing it by an inch.

"I give you guys one job! ONE FUCKING JOB! And you can't even get the simplest things right!" I yell at them, pacing anxiously around my dressing room, sending them death glares every so often.

"Prince Justin-" Chaz tries again.

"What!?" I snarl at them, stopping briefly enough to stare them down.

"Sc- Scooter, Kenny and Alfredo ar- are with her al- along with a- a few other members o- of the Gu- Guard pass- passing out ti- tickets t- to your- your fans." Chaz stumbles out.

"And why in your right mind would you possibly think that YOU SHOULDN'T BE WITH HER!? You are the top two guards we have at the Royal Court! You know what else!? She shouldn't even be out there with my fans! Do you know what my fans could do to her!? Or how much open space there is to target her!? I brought you here for one reason. ONE! She has been threatened! THREATENED! And she is to be protected at all cost, all the time! SHE IS MY MATE! MY FUCKING MATE! Do you even know the concept? Because it doesn't seem like you do." I scream at them, advancing at them slowly. I was so pissed. They were useless and incompetent and my control was slipping further and further.

"Ye- Yes- Yes of- of course we do Prince. She- she is safe. She- she in- insisted th- that she went out wi- with the c- crew." Ryan says, cringing away from me along with Chaz as I advance closer.

" One job you guys. One job. I don't care if she begs you. I HAVE to keep her safe. That is why I hired you. You listen to me;not her. ME! And it's best you remember it next time my mate bats her eyelashes adoringly at you to get you to do something. There is NOT going to be a next time. Understood!?" I hiss, baring my teeth at them.

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