32. The Need

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"A perfect mixture of a tantalizing food smell and the familiar identifying and comforting scent of my mate."

Justin's POV

*Five Days After Coming to Kiera's House*

"Kiera? Baby?" I ask, nudging Kiera gently as we lounge on her bed watching a movie.

"Hmm?" She asks, not taking her eyes off of the tv.

"I'm bored." I whine, scooting closer to her and nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck.

"Then watch the movie." She says dryly, still not bothering to look at me. I didn't like that one bit. I wanted her to pay attention to me. Not that she hadn't been the last five days I've been here, but I was a bit more obsessive, clingy and needy than normal. I wanted all of her attention all the time. I needed that reassurance that she was mine and she wasn't leaving any time soon.

"Cuddle with me then." I persist.

"Jay!" She finally sighs, turning her attention to me. Bingo, exactly what I wanted.

"What?" I say innocently, nuzzling her face again and scooting closer yet so my body is pressed up against hers fully. I'm pretty sure you couldn't even slip a piece of paper between us.

"You're annoying sometimes you know that?" She says rolling her eyes at my behavior.

"But you love me right?" I ask a bit worried, lifting my head so I can gage her reaction. I didn't mean to annoy her. I just wanted to be with her and hold her and cuddle. I needed to connect with her. Or even better I needed to mate with her. But I could see that not happening for like forever, or at least not in the immediate future.

"Yes Jay. I do. Stop stressing. It's really not good for you." Kiera says, sighing lightly, an emotion flashing through her eyes but quickly disappearing before I could read it.

"Okay." I comply, resting my head back down.

"Justin." She says finally after a few moments. "Do you need to feed? Is this why you're acting like this?"

"Can I?" I ask, a bit surprised. I mean I had already feed a few days ago. Typically I could go 7 to 10 days without blood. Human food would suffice between feedings. But on the other hand it was one way I could feel connected to Kiera and also claim her. I know, it was selfish of me. But I couldn't help it.

"If you need to. You know that." She says calmly, lying back down with her neck exposed.

"Mmmmmm." I mumble, leaning down to scrap my teeth gently against her soft skin. She always smelt so good. A perfect mixture of a tantalizing food smell and the familiar identifying and comforting scent of my mate.

Feeling her shiver slightly as I nip at her neck I smirk slightly. She enjoyed my bite, not that I didn't know that already. For most humans a vampire's bite was intoxicating. For instant the pathetic blood donors, they craved a vampire bite, because they craved the high they got off of it. But being that Kiera was my mate I could give her a lot more than just a "good feeling". I knew her, and I knew exactly what her body and heart wanted.

And believe me, it was hard for me not to jump her every time I fed. Not only was my sex drive through the roof, it was quite pleasurable and sexual for me too. I wanted her, all of her. But for now, this would have to suffice.

"Do you feel okay? I didn't take too much did I?" I ask instantly after I'm finished feeding. I was always worried I'd hurt her by taking too much. She was obviously much more fragile than me. What if I did? I wouldn't ever be able to forgive myself. I mean not that I had completely forgiven myself for what I had done before, but still, you get the point.

"I'm fine I promise Jay. Just a little tired." She says softly, curling into my side and closing her eyes for a few moments.

"Want me to get you something? How about I go make food for you? Does that sound good? Chicken noodle soup?" I ask, rubbing my face close to hers.

"You don't have to Jay. I'm okay." She says shaking her head slightly.

"I want to." I say stubbornly.

"Please let me take care of you." I say more softly this time.

"Okay Jay. That sounds really good then. And hot cocoa too?" She asks, looking up at me with a slight pout.

"Anything baby." I say instantly, leaning down to press a light kiss to her forehead. Pleased that I could do something for her for once.

"I'll be back soon. Please stay put. I don't want you falling and hurting yourself." I plead as I tuck her into the blankets on her bed.

"I'm not going to hurt myself. But okay. If it will make you feel better I won't." She says a bit exasperated.

"Good." I say smiling again before quickly flashing out of her room and into the kitchen. Banging around the kitchen looking for the soup and a pan I hear Luke's footsteps.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Making some soup for Kiera. Where are pots?" I ask, already locating the soup and hot cocoa.

"Here." Luke says simply, handing me the pot and turning on the stove for me.

"Thanks." I say giving him a small smile. Seeing him shrug, soon I hear more footsteps come in.

"Luke what are you doing in here?" Kiera's step dad Aaron says a bit harshly.

"Helping Justin make soup for Kiera." He responds plainly, clearly not feeling the instant tension in the room. It was no lie that Kiera's parents didn't like me. And well, I guess I wouldn't blame them. I wasn't exactly nice when I came to take Kiera. Actually I was quite mean. I pretty muched barged into their homedemanding them to let me have their daughter and that if they didn't they wouldn't like the consequences to come.

"Justin." Her dad says stiffly.

"Aaron." I say, starring evenly at him back.

"Luke come on we can play catch now." Aaron finally says, putting a protective hand on Luke's shoulder.

"Okay!" Luke says eagerly, bouncing out of the kitchen, still oblivious.

"Don't worry I'll be out of your way soon." I say a bit harshly as I gather up the stuff for Kiera.

"I hope so." He mutters before leaving the room. Feeling my shoulders relax slightly I flash back up stairs to see Kiera pacing the room while on the phone.

"Baby!" I say, quickly setting the food down and flashing to her side and scooping her up in my arms and carrying her back to bed. She wasn't strong enough to be up. What if she had hurt herself?

"Yeah Scooter. He's back. Sure. Sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow." She says before hanging up.

"Hi Jay." She says, cuddling up to me as I place her back in bed and place the food in front of her.

"What did Scooter what?" I say a bit bitterly. I was still mad he went behind me back. But then again if he hadn't who knows where I'd be right now.

"He and Moshe and Kenny are coming tomorrow to discuss going back on tour soon." She says simply, beginning to eat her food.

"No!" I say instantly, beginning to feel panic rise up in me. I couldn't leave her. She- she couldn't leave me. I wasn't whole without her. I still needed her. I wouldn't leave. They couldn't make me. I would fight them if I had to.

"You have to go back some time." She points out softly.

"Are- are you coming wi- with me?" I stammer out, closing my eyes as if waiting for the impact.

"Yes I'm going to be coming with you. It's the only way you'll go back on tour." She states more as a statement than a question.

"Oh okay then." I say, agreeing easily with her and snuggling back up against her. As long as she was by my side I didn't care what happened or where I was. I was content to have her with me again and better yet have her attention and love. And hopefully soon, I'd have her all. Permanently.

HisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora