76. The Impossible Happening

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"So many emotions ran through my mind."  

Justin's POV

"I'm so sorry, but your girlfriend had a miscarriage." The doctor finishes, bowing his head slightly.

Your girlfriend had a miscarriage. The words echoed in my mind over and over. Miscarriage. Kiera had a miscarriage.Impossible. Kiera couldn't have had a miscarriage. Because it meant only one thing; that Kiera had to have been pregnant. But she was a human and I was a vampire; it should have been nearly impossible for this to happen, yet it had happened and she had lost the baby. In knew for a fact that in last 500 years there had been all of four pregnancies between a vampire and a human. It just simply didn't happen between our two kinds.

"Mr. Bieber?" The doctor asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I say still a bit absent minded.

"I can only imagine what you must be feeling and thinking right now. I am truly sorry for your loss. As I was saying, Ms. Chase will most likely still experience somewhat painful abdominal cramps and bleeding for up to two weeks. However both should start improving, lessening in pain, frequency and flow."

Nodding so he knows I have heard I internally cringe at his words. Pain. Kiera was in pain, hurting, and it would continue for another two weeks. What was worse was it was because of me. I did this to Kiera. I got her pregnant. I had been careless believing it was impossible for this to happen. But I should have been more careful.

"How far along was she?" I ask, finally managing pull my thoughts back together and form a coherent sentence.

"About 5 weeks." He says. "Again I am sorry for your loss. Let me know if you have any more questions that I can answer for you."

"You can go now doctor. Thank you." I say with finality, turning from him to face Kiera's bed.

Hearing his reply, his footsteps soon fade, the door sliding shut with a light click, leaving Ryan, Chaz and I in shocked silence, Kiera's light breathing and the beeping of the machines the only sound echoing in the room. So many emotions ran through my mind. Sadness, fear, disappointment, but most of all relief. I know that seemed awful that I thought that, but you don't understand. It was really seriously dangerous for Kiera to have a vampire baby in her. It would kill her. Maybe not at first but over time as the baby continued to grow and get stronger. Vampire babies were just too strong for a human mother to carry. And human babies were too weak to be carried in a vampire mother.

Believe me I wanted children with Kiera. I dreamed of it. To know that we had created something beautiful and amazing together and to have something that was a part of me and her. But I also had known it could only happen once she was a vampire like me and I was more than willing to wait.

"I'm so sorry love." I whisper, crawling back up on the bed and cuddling her up in my embrace, placing a light hand on her belly, rubbing slowly.

Nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck I breathe her in lightly, but not liking the way she smelled now. She smelled not like me. She had a sterile smell to her, a foreign smell of the hospital, the IV and sickness. I didn't like it, at all. She should smell like me. It was my claim on her.

"Dude what are you doing?" Ryan finally asks, looking at me oddly as I lick Kiera's neck lightly, rubbing my smell back on her.

Glaring at him, I growl, my grip tightening on her body possessively before continuing to lick her over and over. Mine. She was mine. No one elses. Mine period.

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